Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

SOCIAL AND RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL A social license to operate ensures smooth business operations and sustainability. Our social and relationship capital delivers value to our nation, people and the marginalised communities. HOW WE CREATE VALUE: We are committed to build positive relationships with our network of partners, vendors, customers and the community at large through effective products and services, policies, and contributions. Through our AMAL and Sadaqa House initiatives, we aim to become a force of good to realise positive impact for all of our stakeholders. HIGHLIGHTS More than 4.4 million customers Proponent of enterprises for societal wellbeing with strong CSR and social finance initiatives Commitment towards sustainability with compliance with the principles of ESG and UN SDG NATURAL CAPITAL Our focus on natural capital impacts our operational costs as well as sustains business value and environmental wellbeing. HOW WE CREATE VALUE: As a financial institution, we can positively impact the environment in the communities and ecosystems where we operate through our operations as well as businesses that utilise our product and service innovations. We promote environmental principles, alongside social and governance aspects in our customer screening. We have an increasing Green Financing portfolio to ensure sufficient financial support to the renewable energy market. We also adopt sustainable practices as far as possible both internally and externally reducing our overall carbon footprint. HIGHLIGHTS Continued focus on facilitating financing for corporations inves ting in green and renewable energy solutions with more than RM2.2 billion of financing approved under Green Financing BIMB Invest Management achieved a total ESG-compliant fund size of RM1.43 billion (Asset Under Management) Continuous commitment in realising the Sustainability and VBI agenda that include the preservation of the planet’s biodiversity for the good of all Climate change and resource use strategies that guide both BIMB and our customers to positively manage the environmental impacts from business and operations INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 41