Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL Our intellectual capital enables us to advance industry value through the creation of new Islamic banking possibilities and sustain Malaysia’s standing as an Islamic financial services hub. HOW WE CREATE VALUE: Our reputation as a pioneering leader in Islamic banking and finance has been a product of Islamic knowledge expertise and continuous product innovations over the years coupled with effective risk management and strong governance framework. We have built a strong brand franchise as a result. As one of the flagbearers, we lead industry best practices and provide technical assistance in the shaping of Islamic financial institutions globally. We also share market-leading knowledge on Islamic finance with the industry and public to ensure increased understanding. HIGHLIGHTS Strong franchise value as the nation’s only public-listed, full-fledged Islamic banking group with reputation as a pioneer in the field and the industry’s source of reference, and provider of an extensive suite of diversified and fully Shariah-compliant products and services. Enhanced value propositions through growing strategic partnerships with key institutions, organisations and public agencies In addition to Sadaqa House, the introduction of Waqf House Financing facility and microfinancing initiatives have strengthened BIMB’s role as a major player within the social finance sphere. Continuous growth of ESG-compliant fund that incorporated the novel Artificial Intelligence (AI) features HUMAN CAPITAL Our success is determined by the quality of our human capital. Our human capital is vital in delivering financial value and enhancing social value by serving our community better. HOW WE CREATE VALUE: To maintain a conducive working environment with performance-based culture, we have incorporated the TAAT values in all of our employees’ working aspects. We invest in our people with training and development programmes to attract, cultivate and retain talent. We implement initiatives to grow internal talent for upward mobility. HIGHLIGHTS Diversified composition of 4,731 employees More than RM8.8 million invested in employees’ capability and capacity enhancement Highly qualified professionals certified to operate in the field of Islamic finance Strong governance and compliance culture with emphasis on Islamic values that promote trust, integrity and acceptable working culture BANK I SLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD 40 HARNESSING CAPITALS