Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

44. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS (CONTINUED) (a) The related party transactions of the Bank, other than key management personnel compensation, are as follows (continued): Transaction amounts for 2021 RM’000 2020 RM’000 Ultimate holding entity Income Wakalah fee 108 576 Office rental 48 66 Expenses Income attributable to depositors 52,357 51,173 Income attributable to investment account holders 8,293 8,823 Finance cost on Subordinated Sukuk Murabahah 2,289 2,348 Office rental 946 1,252 Depreciation of right-of-use assets 9,895 13,193 Profit expense on lease 12,827 17,501 Other rental 266 383 Holding company Income Office rental 849 1,038 Others 1 129 Expenses Income attributable to depositors 10 7 Income attributable to investment account holders 5,240 9,340 Office rental 60 23 INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 365