Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

39. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT (CONTINUED) (d) Liquidity risk (continued) Contractual maturity of financial liabilities on an undiscounted basis (continued) Bank As at 31 December 2020 Up to 1 month RM’000 >1 to 3 months RM’000 >3 to 6 months RM’000 >6 to 12 months RM’000 Over 1 year RM’000 Total RM’000 Financial Liabilities Deposits from customers 30,022,422 8,429,037 5,879,065 5,061,386 1,919,877 51,311,787 Investment accounts of customers 7,610,826 2,240,679 1,930,504 630,355 7,427 12,419,791 Derivative financial liabilities 256 2,183 7,528 30,583 349,233 389,783 Forward contract 11 - - - - 11 Islamic Profit Rate Swap 245 2,183 7,528 30,583 349,233 389,772 Bills and acceptance payable 29,621 - - - - 29,621 Recourse obligations on financing sold to Cagamas 5,913 11,826 17,739 35,478 1,600,520 1,671,476 Subordinated Sukuk Murabahah - 7,356 27,700 35,834 2,253,966 2,324,856 Other liabilities 1,094,136 - - - 59,523 1,153,659 Lease liabilities 2,568 5,135 7,607 14,891 446,908 477,109 38,765,742 10,696,216 7,870,143 5,808,527 6,637,454 69,778,082 Commitments and Contingencies Financial guarantee contracts 136,040 154,767 154,596 339,429 1,156,959 1,941,791 136,040 154,767 154,596 339,429 1,156,959 1,941,791 (e) Operational Risk Overview Operational risk is defined as the risk of loss arising from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems and external events, which includes legal risk and Shariah compliance risk but excludes strategic and reputational risk. Management of operational risk The Group and the Bank recognises and emphasises the importance of operational risk management (“ORM”) and manages this risk through a control-based environment where processes are documented, authorisation is independent, transactions are reconciled and monitored and business activities are carried out within the established guidelines, procedures and limits. BANK I SLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the financial year ended 31 December 2021 352