Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

Full range of wholesale banking solutions including investment banking and financing facilities, money and capital markets, currency conversion and advisory services. A full-fledged fund management company with a comprehensive range of investment solutions, including advisory. Sustainable and responsible investment solutions that are fully compliant with Shariah rules and regulations, and in accordance with ESG principles. BIMB INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT (SUBSIDIARY) CORPORATE BANKING AND TREASURY Strengths and Differentiation: Strengths and Differentiation: Highly ranked team of qualified professionals with required competency to deliver the desired financial results The only bank-backed asset management company in Malaysia to offer comprehensive Shariah-ESG funds and investment solutions. Technical expertise in structured and project financing, especially in the green and renewable energy sector. Solid experience in facilitating projects as the Lead Arranger and Book Runner Adoption of advanced AI technology and Big Data analytics methodology makes for efficient management of funds, leading to consistently better returns and responsible investment portfolio. BIMB Arabesque-i Global Dividend Fund 1 consistently ranked first for the past three years in terms of Total Overall Returns and Consistent Return, and currently the largest Shariah-ESG Global Equity fund in Malaysia. INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Message Overview Value Creation MDNA Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 27