Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

4. FINANCIAL ASSETS AT FAIR VALUE THROUGH PROFIT AND LOSS (“FVTPL”) Group Bank 2021 RM’000 2020 RM’000 2021 RM’000 2020 RM’000 Malaysian Government Investment Issues – 602,925 – 602,925 Unit trust 295,395 238,490 263,611 232,730 Malaysian Islamic Treasury Bills 1,131,574 243,618 1,131,574 243,618 Islamic Commercial Paper 145,300 30,051 145,300 30,051 Corporate Sukuk 10,225 66,116 10,215 66,116 1,582,494 1,181,200 1,550,700 1,175,440 5. DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL ASSETS/(LIABILITIES) The following tables summarise the contractual or underlying principal amounts of derivative financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss. The principal or contractual amount of these instruments reflects the volume of transactions outstanding at financial position date, and do not represent amounts at risk. Trading derivative financial instruments are revalued on a gross position and the unrealised gains or losses are reflected as derivative financial assets and liabilities respectively. 2021 Notional amount RM’000 Fair value Group and Bank Assets RM’000 Liabilities RM’000 Forward contracts 7,505,850 25,120 (19,753) Profit rate swaps 79,153 917 (668) 7,585,003 26,037 (20,421) 2020 Notional amount RM’000 Fair value Group and Bank Assets RM’000 Liabilities RM’000 Forward contracts 8,518,422 59,494 (104,228) Profit rate swaps 114,056 2,171 (1,644) 8,632,478 61,665 (105,872) INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 265