Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

2. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONTINUED) 2.1 Basis of preparation (continued) (a) Statement of compliance (continued) • • For credit card balances, the Bank offered the option to convert the balances to term financing. • • For corporate customers, the Bank granted assistance through repayment moratorium or additional working capital or rescheduling and restructuring of existing facilities. This is to enable viable corporations in preserving jobs and resuming economic activities when conditions stabilise and improve. The financial impact of the moratorium repayment is disclosed in Note 2.18. (ii) Definition of defaulted exposures under the policy documents on Capital Adequacy Framework for Islamic Banks for which assistance is granted: • • The determination of “days past due” is based on the new repayment terms of rescheduled and restructured financing. • • Individuals or SMEs are not considered to be in default based on the “unlikeliness to repay” at the time of when the assistance was granted, except for when customers are subject to bankruptcy action. • • Corporates “unlikeliness to repay” are based on holistic assessment of all relevant factors and information, not on the act of accepting assistance from the Bank. The regulatory capital treatment above shall apply to financing denominated in Malaysian Ringgit that meet the following criteria; • • The principal or profit or both, is not in arrears exceeding 90 days at the application date of assistance. • • The application is received on or before due date of the respective assistance programme. The regulatory capital treatment would also be applicable to rescheduled and restructured financing that are facilitated by Agensi Kaunseling dan Pengurusan Kredit, the Small Debt Resolution Scheme and the Corporate Debt Restructuring Committee. (iii) Classification in the Central Credit Reference Information System (“CCRIS”) The following shall apply for rescheduled and restructured financing with arrears not exceeding 90 days at the application date of assistance received: • • The financing need not be reported as (R&R) in CCRIS; and • • The financing need not be reported as credit-impaired in CCRIS Customers under URUS shall be identified as enrolled in the programme to facilitate follow up and monitoring by AKPK and the Bank in order to provide further support. The identification shall be removed once the customers exit the programme or at the earliest, six months after enrollment date. (iv) Bank Negara Malaysia (“BNM”) allows financial institutions to drawdown certain prudential buffers as below: • • Drawdown the capital conservation buffer of 2.5%; • • Operate below the minimum Liquidity Coverage Ratio (“LCR”) of 100%; • • Reduce the regulatory reserves held against expected credit losses to 0%; and • • Minimum Net Stable Funding Ratio (“NSFR”) is lowered to 80% from 100% effective 1 July 2020. BNM requires financial institutions to restore the minimum regulatory requirements by 30 September 2021. BANK I SLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the financial year ended 31 December 2021 242