Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

Group Bank 2021 RM’000 2020 RM’000 2021 RM’000 2020 RM’000 Cash flows from investing activities Purchase of property and equipment (71,155) (92,879) (70,862) (92,684) Acquisition of subsidiaries – – (85,380) – Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired (14,793) – – – Proceeds from disposal of property and equipment 609 5 607 5 Dividends from subsidiary – – 800 500 Dividends from financial assets at FVTPL 11,677 13,860 11,326 13,722 Dividends from financial assets at FVOCI – 503 – 503 Income from rebate on investment in unit trust 2,217 979 2,217 979 Net proceeds from disposal/purchase of securities (702,959) (670,896) (715,809) (670,757) Net cash used in investing activities (774,404) (748,428) (857,101) (747,732) Cash flows from financing activities Issuance of Subordinated Sukuk Murabahah 300,000 1,100,000 300,000 1,100,000 Dividend paid on ordinary shares (139,639) (293,751) (139,639) (293,751) Proceeds from issuance of ordinary shares pursuant to Dividend Reinvestment Plan 139,639 293,750 139,639 293,750 Redemption of Subordinated Sukuk Murabahah – (700,000) – (700,000) Finance cost paid on Subordinated Sukuk Murabahah (70,890) (69,152) (70,890) (69,152) Payments of lease liabilities (30,818) (29,920) (30,676) (29,883) Net cash generated from financing activities* 198,292 300,927 198,434 300,964 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 20,886 1,737,152 2,765 1,737,557 Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 5,216,737 3,472,386 5,216,280 3,471,509 Exchange difference on translation (14,775) 7,199 (14,681) 7,214 Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 5,222,848 5,216,737 5,204,364 5,216,280 * Net cash (used in)/generated from financing activities are solely attributable to changes from financing cash flows. The notes on pages 241 to 374 are an integral part of these financial statements. BANK I SLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD 238 STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOW for the financial year ended 31 December 2021