Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

Group Bank 2021 RM’000 2020 RM’000 2021 RM’000 2020 RM’000 Cash flows from operating activities Profit before zakat and tax 704,221 728,213 710,625 726,836 Adjustments for: Depreciation of property and equipment 59,225 56,546 58,803 56,341 Depreciation of right-of-use assets 18,197 18,348 18,042 18,317 Net gain on disposal of property and equipment (603) (3) (602) (3) Property and equipment written-off 619 925 619 925 Allowance for impairment on financing, advances and others 265,937 288,187 265,937 288,187 Losses on modification of financial assets 48,911 136,380 48,911 136,380 Net allowance for impairment on other financial assets 7,406 (2,757) 7,406 (2,757) Net loss/(gain) on sale of financial assets at FVTPL 7,347 (528) 7,373 (528) Net gain on sale of financial assets at FVOCI (87,903) (271,311) (87,903) (271,311) Fair value (gain)/loss on FVTPL (16,497) 6,717 (16,350) 6,713 Dividends from subsidiary – – (800) (500) Dividends from financial assets at FVTPL (11,677) (13,860) (11,326) (13,722) Dividends from financial assets at FVOCI – (503) – (503) Rebate on investment in unit trust (2,217) (979) (2,217) (979) Net derivative loss (7) (31) (7) (31) Finance cost on Subordinated Sukuk Murabahah 72,575 73,622 72,575 73,622 Profit expense on lease 17,312 17,836 17,303 17,835 Operating profit before changes in assets and liabilities 1,082,846 1,036,802 1,088,389 1,034,822 Changes in assets and liabilities: Financing, advances and others (3,797,982) (5,622,680) (3,797,982) (5,622,680) Statutory deposits with Bank Negara Malaysia (71,625) 977,711 (71,625) 977,711 Bills and other receivables (1,313,346) (87,545) (1,374,267) (81,439) Deposits from customers 6,261,572 3,668,524 6,268,475 3,618,579 Investment accounts of customers (1,915,626) 2,128,155 (1,807,296) 2,128,524 Bills and acceptance payable (9,509) (19,463) (9,509) (19,463) Other liabilities 100,097 214,455 104,148 259,327 Recourse obligation on financing sold to Cagamas 500,533 – 500,533 – Cash generated from operations 836,960 2,295,959 900,866 2,295,381 Zakat paid (11,967) (10,862) (11,822) (10,795) Tax paid (227,995) (100,444) (227,612) (100,261) Net cash generated from operating activities 596,998 2,184,653 661,432 2,184,325 The notes on pages 241 to 374 are an integral part of these financial statements. INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 237 STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOW for the financial year ended 31 December 2021