Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

SADAQA HOUSE INITIATIVE In protecting the objective of the Sadaqa House fund and the interest of its donors, we confirmed that the fund management and distribution are implemented per the applicable Shariah rules and principles. We have approved the Sadaqa House Management Guideline that governs the conduct and management of the Sadaqa House fund to ensure it operates in line with Shariah rules and principles. The Sadaqa House and Zakat Committee that the Group Chief Financial Inclusion Officer chairs are mandated to oversee the conduct of the Sadaqa House initiative to be in line with the Sadaqa House Management Guideline. We had also reviewed the financial statement of the Bank and confirmed that the financial statement complies with the applicable Shariah rules and principles. Based on the above, in our opinion: 1) The contracts, transactions and dealings entered into by the Bank, excluding the five (5) Shariah non-compliance incidents mentioned above, during the financial year ended 31 December 2021 that were reviewed comply with the applicable Shariah rules and principles; 2) The allocation of profit and charging of losses relating to Investment Account conformed to the basis that we have approved; 3) The computation, payment and distribution of business zakat comply with the applicable Shariah rules and principles; 4) All earnings realised from sources or by means prohibited by the applicable Shariah rules and principles were disposed to charitable causes and refunded to the deserving counterparties. On that note, we, members of Shariah Supervisory Council of Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad, do hereby confirm that, in our level best, the operations of the Bank for the year ended 31 December 2021 have been conducted in conformity with the applicable Shariah rules and principles. We bear witness only to what we know, and we could not well guard against the unseen! (Surah Yusuf, verse:81) Allah knows best. Professor Dato’ Dr. Ahmad Hidayat Buang Dr. Shamsiah Mohamad Associate Professor Dr. Yasmin Hanani Mohd Safian Sahibus Samahah Datu Hj. Kipli Hj. Yassin Professor Dr. Asmadi Mohamed Naim Kuala Lumpur, Date: 7 March 2022 BANK I SLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD 224 Report of the Shariah Supervisory Council