Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

LOOKING AFTER OUR PEOPLE AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT Our ability to effectively execute our growth and transformation strategy is dependent on having the right people in our workforce. To deliver on this, we have aligned our overall workforce strategy with the aspirations of the Group’s LEAP25 strategic plan. For BIMB to progress and remain relevant in the face of the ever-challenging env i ronmen t and i nc rea s i ng l y competitive marketplace, developing our peoples’ capabilities, as well as creating the appropriate culture and values are of utmost importance. Digitalisation is at the heart of our corporate transformation and to ensure that our people are armed with the right skills to continue contributing to the continued growth of the bank, we have stepped-up investment in digital training. In 2021 we established our inhouse Digital Academy and expanded our Digital Upskilling Programme, which offers training and certification, as we work to build a workforce that is both customer-focused and digitally-savvy. Digitalisation is also the key in us being able to better serve our employees. The implementation of HUMANE is specifically geared towards fulfilling our human capital needs via a cloud-based self-service digital platform. With a userf riendly interface, the platform gives our employees the ability to manage their training progression as well as access career-related details such as payroll information, benefits and leave entitlements. Competition for top talent remains fierce, and BIMB continues to refine our recruitment and reward structures to ensure that we are able to attract and keep the right people. To that end, we continue to work hard on positioning BIMB as an employer of choice and our success in this area is seen in the consistently high rankings that BIMB receives in graduate employment surveys. EMBEDDING SUSTAINABILITY INTO OUR BUSINESS Our commitment to sustainability is deeply embedded in our business model as an Islamic bank and value-based intermediary. Islamic finance and ESG investing offer complementary capital-raising and investment approaches with many shared principles, such as being a good steward to society and the environment. This strong confluence of principles allows us to use a market-based approach to supporting our sustainability goals. As a key part of delivering this goal, BIMB is working to integrate a comprehensive ESG framework into our credit assessment process, which we aim to implement in 2022. One of the key drivers for our business growth and achieving our sustainability goals is our focus on growing our Green Financing portfolio, which stood at more than RM2 billion at the end of 2021. Much of this financing has been directed to the Renewable Energy Green Building sector, thus far. As we move forward, we are now actively aiming to expand our presence in the wider green economy ecosystem, with a focus on mini-hydro and solar farm projects. INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 19