Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

Monitoring and implementation of the OACP action plan and initiatives is done through two (2) main reporting structures, where IGD reports on the OACP implementation to the Management Committee and BAEC twice a year and to the relevant regulators on the progress, as and when required. OACP Overview The OACP covers four (4) main priority areas, namely Business, Branch Operations, Administration & Support and Governance. IGD reviewed processes involved at BIMB for all departments and divisions and a total of 161 initiatives are included covering short, medium and long term to ensure BIMB is free from corruption to be in line with the goals of the NACP. This plan will be constantly reviewed and updated according to BIMB’s changes and organisation strategic requirements. Three (3) IGD staff have also completed the Certified Integrity Officer (CeIO) programme administered by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Academy (MACA). Briefings, workshops and awareness programmes on integrity, anti-corruption initiatives and the Bank’s internal policies are consistently carried out to cover all levels of operation at BIMB. It is hoped that the OACP will minimise misconduct involving integrity and corruption among BIMB staff, creating a work environment that emphasises team spirit, harmony, morality, ethics and having a first-class mind. In turn, the continuous improvement of our processes and procedures will increase customer confidence in our services for the common well-being and prosperity. BIMB will continue to be vigilant to ensure our processes and practices foster good governance and integrity. Tailored to Bank Islam’s needs Formulated through consultation with our experienced external consultant and various internal discussions. Adopting National Anti-Corruption Plan (NACP) recommendations Testament of commitment from BIMB to achieve our vision as the preferred Islamic financial institution with the highest standards of integrity, governance and accountability to all our stakeholders. 5 CHAPTERS 4 STRATEGIES Covering all aspects Chapters were developed in line with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Academy (MACA) Certified Integrity Officer (CeIO) modules and benchmarking exercise against other organisations. 11 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 53 POTENTIAL RISKS 161 INITIATIVES Based on CRM Outcome Based on our focused yet comprehensive CRM exercise which considers past data and future possibilities. Collaborative efforts Initiatives were developed through several workshops and discussions. Challenge session was also conducted to determine the viability of the initiatives proposed. INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 207