Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

Organisational Anti-Corruption Plan (OACP) 2022-2025 The National Anti-Corruption Plan 2019-2023 (NACP), which was officially launched by the Prime Minister on 29 January 2019 suggested OACP as an anti-corruption document at the organisational level to manage corruption issues. In 2021, BIMB continued to undertake significant work to enhance its corporate governance and integrity initiatives to be in line with the NACP. The work culminated in the development of BIMB’s OACP, 2022-2025, which will serve as the foundation for all BIMB’s initiatives in this area in the coming years. Key Steps of OACP Development BIMB’s OACP was developed with a vision towards a corrupt-free organisation and a mission to address problems and weaknesses of governance, integrity and anti-corruption in related areas and activities in the organisation. Five (5) key steps were involved in developing BIMB’s OACP based on the TRUST principles (Top Level Commitment, Risk Assessment, Undertake Control Measure, Systematic Review and Training & Communication) recommended by the Guidelines on Adequate Procedures issued pursuant to the MACC Act. TOP LEVEL COMMITMENT Establishment of AntiCorruption Committee and formation of OACP Development Committee (ODC). DATA ANALYSIS Analyse data in the form of reports of the real state of governance, integrity and anti-corruption weaknesses: • MACC/RMP records; • Staff’s disciplinary records; and • Internal Audit/ Compliance report. MONITORING & EVALUATION • Monitor, evaluate and report progress of the OACP. • Monitor implementation of OACP action plan and ensure compliance to the plan. • Coordinate and engage stakeholders. CORRUPTION RISK MANAGEMENT (CRM) Process of identifying risk and weaknesses that lead to opportunities of corruption to occur. ACTION PLAN • Prepare strategic objective & action plan to adress issues of corruption, governance and integrity. • Milestone as an indicator to measure achievement. Department to be responsible and accountable for the initiatives assigned. 01 02 03 04 05 It is important to establish the ‘tone from the top’ where BIMB implemented clear policies to address corruption risks and proper reporting channels for any suspected and/or actual corruption incidents. IGD also carried out data analysis and CRM exercise to identify potential risk and weakness which may lead to occurrence of corruption activities in the organisation. Subsequently, IGD, through its role as the OACP Development Committee (ODC) Secretariat conducted discussions with the potential corruption risk owners, relevant departments and stakeholders to develop strategic objectives and clear action plans to address these potential corruption, governance and integrity issues. Benchmarking exercises against ministries, government agencies and other corporations were also carried out to ensure BIMB’s OACP is relevant and achieves the highest level of standard expected from a premier financial institution. STATEMENT ON RISK MANAGEMENT AND INTERNAL CONTROL BANK I SLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD 206