Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

Key Compliance Achievements and Activities for FY2021 • Continuous education on AML/CFT and regulatory training for staff, i.e., in-house training, external training (virtual engagement and sharing session with LHDN, PDRM & KPMG). • 1 7 webinars and virtual sessions were attended by the staff. • 3 6 refresher courses and intensive trainings were conducted bank wide. • I ntroduced 2 new Compliance Programmes to inculcate a strong compliance culture mindset within Compliance Division. • 4 Essential skills of a Compliance Officer and 5 Coffee with Compliance sessions. • 2 25 Manual & Policy reviews were conducted on Business Units processes which required AML/CFT checks and as part of Institutional Risk Assessment (IRA) action plan. • I t is to ensure that the processes & products issued by Business Units were aligned with AML/CFT and sanctions requirement. • P ublication of learning and awareness materials through Communiqués to all staff at branches and business units. • 1 4 publications and 3 videos were issued in 2021. Accredited with the Best Independent Assessment for Retail Standalone Category 2021 by PayNet. This has been made successful attributed by the adoption of a structured risk-based review methodology which facilitated the overall review process. Established a dedicated Group Thematic Review team under Compliance Monitoring & Testing Department to support the Group Harmonisation Plan in enabling BIMB to be a public listed company. The team had also leveraged on data analytics tools to further supplement the review methodology performed. Conducted 107 compliance reviews comprising of mandatory, risk-based and thematic reviews for Regulatory and AML/CFT areas, resulting in 79 areas for improvement to further strengthened the internal controls. AML/CFT & REGULATORY TRAINING MANUAL & POLICY REVIEW COMMUNIQUÉ INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 201