Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

COV E R R AT I O N A L E As the first full-fledged pure-play Islamic financial institution in the country, Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (“BIMB”) is committed to advancing prosperity and progress for all our customers. Despite the unprecedented challenges presented by COVID-19, BIMB demonstrated its leadership by mobilising resources, leveraging on digitalisation to ensure business continuity, as well as reaching out to provide solutions to help those most impacted. From enhancing access to our services, providing f inancial help to SMEs as well as restructuring f inancings, we helped to alleviate f inancial diff iculties and ensured livelihoods were preserved. BIMB is also embarking on a f ive-year strategy roadmap, LEAP25 to deliver the promise of technology, redef ine growth by fortifying our f ive business drivers: Social Finance, Wealth Management , Enterprises and Wholesale Banking, and Digital Bank. This will enable us to achieve organic growth as well as provide leadership in digital banking and social f inance. Moving forward, BIMB will continue to focus on integrating the principles of Shariah, Value-based Intermediation (“VBI”) and ESG considerations to remain resilient in its pursuits. The cover design highlights BIMB’s reach – advancing prosperity to customers across all walks of life and economic segments. It also reflects BIMB’s foray into digitalisation of its products and services.