Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

Practice 4.4 BIMB is just embarking upon our sustainability journey. BIMB in its 5-year strategic direction has put in place a plan to embed ESG incorporating climate risk in credit assessment process and endeavors to put in place a broad-based framework before the end of 2022. BIMB has also embarked to put in place a bankwide Sustainability Plan. Practice 5.9 The Board currently comprises eleven (11) Directors, of whom two (2) is a woman, or 18% female representation. The Board is mindful of appointing Directors who have diverse skills, experience, age and gender, and remains committed to achieving at least 30% female representation on the Board whilst ensuring that overall diversity remains a central feature. The Board is taking the necessary steps to have at least 30% woman directors. The succession plan include consideration to achieve more representation of woman directors. Practice 8.2 The Board decided not to disclose on a named basis, the top five (5) Senior Management’s remuneration components including salary, bonus, benefit-in-kind and other emoluments in bands of RM50,000. The Board viewed that such disclosure would be disadvantageous to the Group’s business interests, in which the disclosure of that sensitive information may result in excessive competition for talent in the banking industry. The Company will closely monitor developments in the market in respect of such disclosure for future consideration. Practice 13.1 BIMB’s 38th Annual General Meeting (38th AGM) was held on 31 May 2021. The Notice of the 38th AGM was issued to the shareholders on 7 May 2021, i.e., 21-days before the AGM. The Notice was in line with the 21-days requirement under the Companies Act 2016 and the Company’s Constitution. The Company endeavours and is taking the necessary steps to ensure that the Notice of the AGM is issued 28-days prior to the date of the AGM. For the 39th AGM in 2022, the Notice of the 39th AGM is issued 28-days prior to the AGM. This Corporate Governance Overview Statement was approved by the Board of Directors of BIMB on 15 April 2022. Further information in the application of the practices captured in the Principles of MCCG 2021 during the financial year, please refer to the Corporate Governance Report 2021 which can be found in the Company’s website INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 185