Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT SSC Meetings Summary of SSC meetings attendance and time spent in 2021 are set out below: Nine (9) meetings were held during the financial year ended 31 December 2021, in compliance with the requirement of paragraph 11.2 of the SGPD that requires the meeting to be held at least once in every two (2) months. The meetings are also attended by one (1) Director, the Group CEO, the Group Chief Financial Officer, the Group Chief Internal Auditor, the Group Chief Compliance Officer, the Group Chief Financial Inclusion Officer, Head of Operational Risk and Head of Product Management as permanent invitees. Their presence at the meetings improves the quality of engagement between the Board and Management members with SSC members, and increases their appreciation towards Shariah deliberations and decisions. However, the Board members’ presence does not affect the independent deliberation by the SSC members in their informed decision making. The Board receives regular updates on significant matters deliberated during the SSC meetings and minutes of the SSC meetings are circulated to the Board. Training In line with Section 6 of the SSC Charter, SSC members undergo continuous training to keep abreast with the development in the banking industry and enhance their skills and knowledge in discharging their responsibilities effectively. During the financial year under review, two (2) SSC members were participating in the Certified Shariah Advisor program (CSA) awarded by the Association of Shariah Advisors in Islamic Finance Malaysia (ASAS). The certification is commissioned by BNM to motivate professionalism among Shariah advisors. This initiative by ASAS was mentioned in the Malaysian Financial Blueprint 2011-2020 under Agenda 3.2 to develop Malaysia as reference centre for Islamic financial transactions. SHARIAH SUPERVISORY COUNCIL (SSC) Number of Meeting held in 2021 9 Name Meeting Attendance % Existing Members Professor Dato’ Dr. Ahmad Hidayat Buang (Chairman) 9/9 100 Associate Professor Dr. Yasmin Hanani Mohd Safian 9/9 100 Professor Dr. Asmadi Mohamed Naim 9/9 100 Dr. Shamsiah Mohamad 9/9 100 Sahibus Samahah Datu Haji Kipli Haji Yassin 9/9 100 SSC Number of Meetings in 2021 Total Meeting Hours Average Time Spent on Each Meeting 9 32.2 hours 3.6 hours All SSC members have complied with the attendance requirement under the BNM Shariah Governance Framework of not less than 75% BANK I SLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD 182