Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

Remuneration Policy for Senior Management Team (SMTs) and Material Risk Takers (MRTs) The Board is of the view that the disclosure of the remuneration of the top five (5) Senior Management on a named basis in bands of RM50,000 as required under Practice 8.2 of MCCG 2021 is not in BIMB’s best interest considering the competitive market for talent in the industry. The top five (5) remuneration of SMTs and MRTs (including the Group CEO) during the financial year 2021 falling within the following bands are as follows: Bands (RM) – Total Remuneration (Basic salary, fixed allowances and bonus) No of SMTs and MRTs (Top 5) 1,000,001 up to 1,250,000 3 1,250,001 up to 1,500,000 1 1,500,001 and above 1 The remuneration policy for SMTs/MRTs applies to all SMTs and MRTs within BIMB promotes transparent and adequate remuneration. The Policy sets forth appropriate governance around the Total Rewards of BIMB’s SMTs/MRTs for their contributions to BIMB, taking into account their roles and responsibilities from the perspective of performance excellence, risk management, compliance and sustainability. Components of Remuneration Remuneration Component Approach Base Salary Basic wage paid to an employee as a guarantee for service/work rendered to the company. Fixed Allowance(s) Guaranteed cash paid under various classifications to compensate for miscellaneous job-related expenses. Benefits Non-wage remuneration provided in addition to other cash compensation. Variable Pay Annual non-guaranteed, performance-based cash payments/bonus and profit sharing awards. Long-Term Incentive Rewards system designed to enhance individual longterm performance by providing rewards tied to BIMB’s annual performance and/or growth. INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 177