Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

the corporate governance structure within BIMB and key risks. The induction programme will take about 20 hours (five (5) sessions) and it provides the opportunity for the newly onboarded Director to be familiar with the business, operations, governance, culture and strategic direction of BIMB. This helps to facilitate the Director to contribute to the Board and BIMB in general in an effective manner. The Board recognises the importance of ensuring that Directors are continuously being developed to acquire or enhance the requisite knowledge and skills to discharge their duties effectively. Similarly, Directors acknowledge the importance and value of attending conferences, training programmes and seminars to keep themselves abreast with the development and changes in the industry in which BIMB operates, as well as to update themselves on new legislative and regulatory requirements. All directors are required to complete a core training programme under the Financial Institutions Directors’ Education Program (FIDE Forum), Mandatory Accreditation Programme (MAP) pursuant to MMLR and Islamic Finance for Board of Directors under the International Shari’ah Research Academy (ISRA) within two (2) years upon their appointment to the Board. In addition, each director is required to complete their Individual Development Plan (IDP) which consists of a minimum of three (3) training on technical knowledge and one (1) training on leadership/soft skills. During the financial year under review, the Directors attended and participated in seminars, conferences and workshops that covered areas of corporate governance, leadership, ESG, Shariah, anti-money laundering/counter financing terrorism (AML/CFT), relevant industry updates and global business developments. Most of these training programmes were conducted virtually. A list of training attended by the Directors in 2021 can be found in the CG Report. The BNRC will review the training and development needs of the Directors on an annual basis, taking into consideration the Group’s strategy for the next several years and the current combined skills on the Board. During the period under review, all Directors (save for newly appointed directors) have fulfilled their IDP as well as the mandatory training. Qualified and Competent Company Secretary The Company Secretary, Maria Mat Said, is qualified to act as a company secretary in accordance with Section 235 of the Companies Act 2016. The Company Secretary has 23 years of experience in handling corporate secretarial and legal matters. The Company Secretary acts as an advisor to the Board, particularly with regard to BIMB’s Constitution, policies and procedures and its compliance with regulatory requirements, codes, guidelines and legislations. The Company Secretary ensures that discussions and deliberations at the Board and Board Committee meetings are well documented and subsequently communicated to the relevant Management for appropriate actions. The Board is satisfied with the performance and support rendered by the Company Secretary to the Board in discharging their functions in the financial year under review. This is reflected in the outcome of the 2021 BEE which is disclosed in the CG Report. The Company Secretary constantly keeps herself abreast with the evolving regulatory changes and developments in corporate governance through continuous training. List of trainings attended by the Company Secretary in 2021 can be found in the CG Report. Board Effectiveness Evaluation The Group conducts an annual BEE to assess the objective of assessing the performance of the Board as a whole, Board Committees, members of the Board and Board Committees as well as identifying any gaps or areas of improvement, where required. Under the purview of the BNRC, a formal evaluation is undertaken to assess the effectiveness of the following: (a) The Board as a whole and the Board Committees; (b) Contribution of each individual Director; and (c) Independence of Independent Directors. The BEE for year 2021 was conducted internally and focused on maximising the effectiveness and performance of the Board and Board Committees in the best interests of BIMB. The BEE also assessed the fitness and properness, contribution and performance, calibre and personality of the Directors. The BEE for year 2021 also took into consideration evaluation made by some Senior Management. Results of the 2021 BEE can be found in the CG Report. Going forward, the Board may engage an independent expert/consultant to assess the performance of the Board, for greater objectivity. The Board, through the BNRC reviewed the results of the 2021 BEE and was satisfied with the overall conduct of the Board and Board Committees, participation by the members, the effectiveness of the Chairman of the Board and Board Committees as well as the performance of the INEDs. Pursuant to the feedback from the BEE, the Management also arranged for a one-to-one engagement session between the Chairman and individual Board members, with the presence of the Group CEO and the Company Secretary. The outcome from this session was presented to the Board together with the action plans. INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 175