Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

Board Diversity The Board recognises the importance of diversity and inclusivity and hence will continue to leverage differences in thought, perspective, knowledge, skill, regional and industry experience and gender, to ensure that BIMB retains its competitive advantage. Diversity is equally important to ensure BIMB remains relevant, resilient and sustainable in the evolving and competitive business environment. The Board currently has two (2) women Directors or 18% of the total Board composition. The Board is committed to bringing the number of women directors close to 30% of the total Board composition by 2023 to meet the MCCG 2021 recommendation. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT BOARD SKILLS/AREA OF EXPERTISE COMPOSITION NonIndependent Director 27% GENDER DIVERSITY 9 2 Male Independent Director 50 to 60 years NonIndependent Director 61 to 70 years Female Female 18% Male 82% AGE DIVERSITY 61 to 70 years 45% 50 to 60 years 55% BOARD TENURE Less than 3 years 64% Above 9 years 9% 3 to 9 years 27% 1 2 4 1 5 5 11 3 Independent Director 73% Less than 3 years 7 3 to 9 years 3 Above 9 years 1 Legal (9%) Banking (27%) Risk Management (36%) Treasury (18%) Accounting, Audit & Tax (45%) Economy & Finance (45%) Information Technology/ Digitalisation (9%) Management, Leadership & Strategy (100%) The oversight of the overall composition of the Board and Board Committees resides within the BNRC. The BNRC is guided by the following criteria when assessing the suitability of Directors for nomination: Appropriate size and the balance between INEDs and NINEDs Skills, background and experience Diversity The BNRC is empowered to review and evaluate the composition and performance of the Board annually, as well as to assess qualified candidates to occupy Board positions. The following diagram provides an overview of the Board’s diversity in terms of independence, gender, age, tenure and skills/expertise and composition: 8 3 6 5 BANK I SLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD 168