Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT GOVERNANCE HUMAN CAPITAL R eview of Human Resources Policy C ontinuous Development plan and succession plan Introduction of 8 Conducts as Key Behavioural Indicator Assessment for Performance Management Recruitment and Appointment of new Heads of Division for key positions Renewal of contract of service of Senior Management and their remuneration Performance review of Corporate KPIs for 2020 Annual reward for Senior Management based on their performance and KPIs Area of Focus Harmonisation of Group Governance practices to ensure alignment of governance practices within the Group pursuant to the listing of BIMB, where BIMB became the Bank Holding company Board Succession Plan for the Group to ensure an effective board is in place to support the Group strategic direction Harmonisation of Remuneration for Directors and SSC members of the Group Review of Nominee Directors and Principal Officers in BIMB subsidiaries in line with the harmonisation of group governance Board Evaluation and SSC Evaluation for 2020 Review of Board Charter and TORs of the Board and Board Committees to incorporate the Group oversight function as well as the requirements of Bursa Malaysia and recommendations of the MCCG 2021 Adoption of new Constitution for BIMB to align with the MMLR of Bursa Malaysia following the listing of BIMB Corporate Governance Disclosure in BIMB Integrated Annual Report 2020 Gap Analysis on the status of compliance with the MCCG 2021 recommendations Appointment of three (3) new Independent Non-Executive Directors (INEDs) to fill the vacancy following the retirement and demise of existing directors Re-designation of one (1) Non-Independent Executive Director (NIED) to Non-Independent NonExecutive Director (NINED) and appointment of one (1) new NIED following the change in leadership in the ultimate holding company Appointment of one (1) new SSC member to fill potential vacancy in 2022 and re-appointment of two (2) SSC Members Review of the Board Committees’ composition Review of Approval Authority Limits for Financing Committees BANK I SLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD 164