Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

Mohd Nazri Chik Group Chief Financial Inclusion Officer 44, Male, Malaysian Date of Appointment: 1 January 2020 Qualifications • Member of Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia • Member of the Chartered Institute of Islamic Finance Professionals (CIIF) • Certified Shariah Advisor (ASAS) • Certified Shariah Advisor and Auditor (AAOIFI) • Certified Professional Shariah Auditor • Master Degree in Shariah, University of Malaya Experience • Has over 19 years of experience in Shariah management of an Islamic bank • Joined Bank Islam in June 2004 before leaving in 2009 to take up another position at an investment arm of Dubai government. He rejoined Bank Islam in January 2011 to lead the Shariah Division and subsequently the Strategic Relations Division on 1 January 2020 • Appointed as Group Chief Financial Inclusion Officer on 1 October 2021 Directorship in Other Public Companies • Terengganu Incorporated Sdn. Bhd. • TEKUN Nasional • Amana Bank PLC, Sri Lanka Declaration • Does not have any conflict of interest or any family relationship with any Director and/or major shareholders of the Bank • Has not been convicted of any offence within the past five (5) years nor has he been imposed any public sanction or penalty by any relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year ended 2021 Azizan Abd Aziz Group Chief Financial Officer 46, Male, Malaysian Date of Appointment: 27 May 2019 Qualifications • Member, Malaysian Institute of Accountants (Chartered Accountant) • Fellow, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) • Bachelor of Accounting and Finance, University of Plymouth, UK Experience • Before working in Malaysia, he was attached with KPMG United Kingdom and Channel Islands, holding a position of Senior Manager in KPMG’s Financial Services Division • Prior to joining Bank Islam, he was an Equity Partner in Deloitte Southeast Asia, leading the M&A Transaction Services practice for Deloitte Malaysia • Joined Bank Islam on 27 May 2019 as the Chief Financial Officer and also served as the Group Chief Financial Officer for BIMB Holdings Berhad • Appointed as the Group Chief Financial Officer on 8 October 2021 upon the listing of Bank Islam Directorship in Other Public Companies • BIMB Investment Management Berhad Declaration • Does not have any conflict of interest or any family relationship with any Director and/or major shareholders of the Bank • Has not been convicted of any offence within the past five (5) years nor has he been imposed any public sanction or penalty by any relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year ended 2021 Mohamed Iran Moriff Mohd Shariff Group Chief Operating Officer 49, Male, Malaysian Date of Appointment: 1 June 2017 Qualifications • Chartered Banker (AICB) • Member, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) • Masters in Business Administration, Strathclyde Business School, Glasgow, Scotland, UK • Bachelor in Accountancy, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK Experience • Started hi s career at Messrs . PriceWaterhouse, specialising in the audi t of banks and f inanc ial institutions before furthering his studies and subsequently working in the UK for ten (10) years • Joined the Consumer Banking Division of Bank Islam in October 2009 • Appointed as the Chief Internal Auditor in May 2014 and as Chief Operating Officer on 1 June 2017 • Appointed as the Group Chief Operating Officer on 1 February 2022 upon the listing of Bank Islam Directorship in Other Public Companies • Nil Declaration • Does not have any conflict of interest or any family relationship with any Director and/or major shareholders of the Bank • Has not been convicted of any offence within the past five (5) years nor has he been imposed any public sanction or penalty by any relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year ended 2021 BANK I SLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD 150 CORPORATE SERVICES & SUPPORT UNITS MANAGEMENT TEAM’S PROFILE