Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

HELPING WHERE WE CAN Beyond our contributions to targeted programmes and collaborations, BIMB continues to look for ways to support the betterment of society in general. In 2021, we made contributions to a variety of events and programmes, including a RM10,000 donation to the Tabung Kebajikan Jabatan Siasatan dan Penguatkuasaan Trafik (“JSPT”) benefitting those who help ensure road and traffic safety. We also collaborated with the Kuantan Municipal Council on a CSR project that benefitted 250 homeless people. Additionally, we contributed approximately RM30,000 to support the MYLady Assistance Scheme to empower single mothers and young women living with HIV and to Malaysian AIDS Foundation’s (“MAF”) 100,000 Steps to End AIDS virtual walk event last year. The initiative provided a platform for 100 of our staff participants to not only maintain a healthy lifestyle but also to directly advocate for the HIV cause through social media. The funds raised through the charity walk will help MAF to expand their life-saving efforts by providing more people living with HIV with access to treatment. AMAL Ihtimam Korban In 2021 we, once again, organised an AMAL Ihtimam Korban programme in conjunction with Hari Raya Korban. We distributed a total of RM23,000 in zakat funds at the Kem Kementah, army camp in Kuala Lumpur. This included contributing RM20,000 to 100 asnaf and a RM3,000 contribution to the Masjid Al Fatih mosque at the camp. Additionally, BIMB contributed three heads of cattle for sacrifice as Lembu Korban, with the meat being distributed to 250 recipients. In all, BIMB made a contribution of RM38,000 in zakat and AMAL funds for the event. Raising Awareness Additionally, to raise awareness and understanding of the Islamic religion, we made a contribution of RM5,000 towards the contest to create an animated video to raise understanding of Islam (Pertandingan Merekacipta Video Animasi Kefahaman Islam), thereby also supporting the local content-creation and creative industries. INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 133