Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

INVESTING IN THE ENVIRONMENT Our AMAL untuk Alam initiative to support environmental causes and sustainable farming continues to show good progress. For the second year in a row, we collaborated with the Jasin Correctional Prison in Melaka and Farmers’ Organisation Authority (Lembaga Pertubuhan Peladang) on a sustainable urban farming project run by prison inmates in Jasin, Melaka. The project has been a success, benefitting approximately 600 inmates and 40 families in the area. Inmates grow a range of produce using hydroponic techniques, which require no soil, less water and reduced chemicals, making them safer to eat. To put the project on a more sustainable basis, in 2021 we expanded the range of produce being cultivated, adding the higher-end options of rock melons and Japanese cucumber in addition to the leafy green vegetables that we started in 2020. Under our Jejak AMAL initiative which supports sustainable agriculture, we made an essential contribution to a farmer to help him start a hydroponic & fertigation project with Pertubuhan Peladang Kawasan Maras Batu Rakit. BIMB provided the seeds, saplings, fertiliser and farm equipment, with the training and coaching provided by LPP Terengganu. We carried out the project in cooperation with Pertubuhan Peladang Kawasan Maras Batu Rakit. Additionally, on the island community of Tanjung Surat in Johor, we successfully worked to provide a community of underprivileged fishermen families with access to renewable solar energy for their boat houses. We have also continued to raise public awareness of environmental issues through social media and direct engagement. In January, for example, our ‘Interesting Facts about Hydroponics’ post on Facebook and Instagram rapidly gained attention, crossing the 40,000 views mark. We also continued to use our social media presence to raise awareness of events like Earth Day and World Environment Day. On the direct engagement front, we distributed 1,500 AMAL reusable tote shopping bags to the community during our CSR events in an effort to raise public awareness of the need to reduce single use plastic waste. INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 131