Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

SUPPORTING STUDENTS AND EDUCATION We worked closely with a range of partners to support students whose education was disrupted due to the shift to online lessons during the national lockdown or when their schools were forced to close as a result of COVID-19 outbreaks. As part of our Prihatin COVID-19 initiatives during the year, we provided 1,000 asnaf students nationwide, of all races, with electronic devices such as tablets and free internet access (4 months Celcom Data Plan), ensuring that these students from underprivileged families would not be left behind. A total of RM627,000 was contributed towards the project. Our former parent company, BHB, also acted to support the Government’s effort by supplying 150,000 tablet computers to 500 schools across the country through the Ministry of Finance. BHB supplied laptops to 166 underprivileged students at two schools in the state of Sarawak, complete with a 12 month data plan, under the Cerdik CSR project, with our total contribution being RM300,000. We continued with the implementation of our flagship ‘Jom Ke Sekolah’ programme, an annual initiative where children from the B40 segment are provided with schooling supplies and essentials. We provided school necessities to 62 underprivileged children from Rumah Kebajikan Anak Yatim Mary, KL, Pertubuhan Kebajikan Rumah Anak - Anak Yatim dan Miskin Al-Taqwa, Baling and vulnerable members of the community from PPR Mulia in Batu Caves. Each child was given school essentials, including new school uniforms, school shoes, socks, a stationery set, pencil case, school bag and colour pencils. Priority was given to families with children starting primary school in 2022. INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 129