Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

Supporting the Vulnerable Throughout what remained a challenging year for many, Bank Islam actively worked to share benefits with those in society who are less fortunate and with those who continue to serve on the frontlines of the pandemic. In the holy month of Ramadan, we distributed Iftar packed food for 750 frontliners from the police force, the fire brigade, the National Cancer Institute and the armed forces as an expression of our gratitude for their service. We also channelled contributions to other groups in society that had been affected by the pandemic: • BIMB’s Sadaqa House social finance vehicle continued to play its part in supporting the vulnerable by making collections from the public that were channelled to asnaf who are directly affected by COVID-19. In total, Sadaqa House distributed RM201,262 in partnership with JAKIM and PERKIM. • A total of RM50,000 from Sadaqa House and our CSR fund was contributed to the Ministry of Defence (“MINDEF”) Prihatin Fund to support members of the B-40 group and military veterans who were impacted by COVID-19. A total of 300 food baskets were distributed to needy armed forces families across Malaysia. • We contributed RM100,000 to a joint initiative between Kelab Bank Islam (“KBI”) and YADIM to provide support to 366 asnaf, both Muslim and non-Muslim, nationwide. The beneficiaries included a wide range of people whose livelihoods had been impacted by the pandemic, including taxi drivers, buskers, artists and trishaw drivers. We also provided support to vulnerable groups like single mothers, the disabled, and mualaf. Each of them received a food basket worth RM100 and RM150 in cash. • We donated RM12,000 to provide packs of essential food items to 150 B-40 families residing at the PPR Seri Mulia flats to ease their burden during the pandemic. RM1,562,562 WAS CONTRIBUTED TO COVID-19 RELIEF EFFORTS IN 2021 FOR THE COMMON GOOD BANK I SLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD 128