Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

mobility efforts. All these are supported with continuous learning programmes of blended learning modules that go beyond the classroom. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS At the end of a highly eventful year for BIMB, I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to BHB’s Board members and employees for their service and contribution over the years. They have played a vital role in maintaining BHB’s position as the premier and successful Islamic financial holding company in Malaysia, before handing over the torch to BIMB in October 2021. BHB’s investments and pioneering legacy have left an indelible mark in the Islamic financial industry, which has been the stepping-stone for BIMB to shape its future as a leading Islamic financial institution. My sincere appreciation to my colleagues on the Board and to BIMB’s senior leadership team. I speak for the entire Group that we are saddened by the loss of our beloved member of the Board, Puan Noraini Che Dan. Her contributions to BHB and BIMB were invaluable and integral to the successful listing of the Group. My gratitude also goes out to Encik Zahari @ Mohd Zin Idris who retired from the Board during the year, for his service and unwavering commitment. To all our stakeholders who have been an important part of our journey thus far, I thank you for your continued support and trust. And finally, my deepest appreciation goes to all our employees for the remarkable commitment they have shown to BIMB, living our TAAT values and setting us in a good position for our exciting journey ahead. Tan Sri Dr. Ismail Haji Bakar Chairman emotional wellness in 2020, was expanded to include physical, spiritual and financial wellness last year. The programme was established to assist employees in addressing their personal and work-related challenges that may adversely affect their job performance and personal well-being. By providing all 4,731 BIMB employees access to Naluri, a digital and customisable health solution, we have empowered our colleagues to manage their own mental and physical health in the most effective ways. BIMB has also offered support by providing employees the solutions, insights, tools, and access to relevant experts for them to seek professional help for their problems. The prolonged pandemic also presented us with an opportunity to embrace a hybrid workplace model that seamlessly combines remote and of fice work. We are committed to investing in technology to enable better efficiency and accessibility to services that will produce a more conducive working environment. HUMANE, our human capital management system introduced in 2021 has accommodated our evolving workforce needs. Being cloud based, it allows efficient access to data and information, streamlining our human capital management process, contributing to better talent recruitment, and improved learning and development experience for employees. The Group’s efforts to improve internal capabilities have been continuous. Our current focus on developing internal digital, leadership and professional certification aims to fill our people development gaps, helping to upskill and reskill them to keep abreast with the latest requirements of the finance industry. We accelerated digital literacy and adoption through an in-house Digital Upskilling Programme with the intention of nurturing our talent pool. With the establishment of our Digital Academy in 2021, we will continue to identify and build capabilities among our high potential talents, which will contribute to our succession planning and internal talent INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 11