Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

Our success is judged not only by our financial performance but by the impact that we have on society, the environment and the actions that we take for the common good over the long-term. In order to deliver on these commitments, BIMB established its AMAL arm to institutionalise the Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives. Through our initiatives and programmes, and through our collaborations with strategic partners, we work to further the goals of social inclusion and environmental well-being. Our commitment to these goals reflects our values as an Islamic bank and values-based institution. In working to support the betterment of the society, we utilise funds from our AMAL CSR allocations, our zakat funds, and the contributions that we raise through our Sadaqa House social finance vehicle. The impact of our initiatives is amplified by the strategic partnerships and collaborations that we establish and by the commitment of our own people. Throughout 2021, we continued to build on existing, successful programmes, responded to needs and worked to establish new initiatives that will allow us to keep contributing to the society and the environment. This section shares some of the key initiatives we undertook during the year and the outcomes that they produced. PILLAR 2: DELIVERING ON OUR COMMITMENT TO PEOPLE AND THE PLANET: CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AT BIMB 126 BANK I SLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD