Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

The following is a summary of the key data and metrics used to validate the ESG performance of our business customers: Entity Information: Customer Disclosures Sustainability reports, roadmaps, strategy, action plans, ESG-related press releases, media statements, announcements Main Operating Locations The company’s headquarters and main areas of operations i.e. factories, plantations, sites, facilities Nature of Business The main and subsidiary economic activities or sectors the company is involved in Project Being Financed Applicable if the financing is for a specific project by the company i.e. a new manufacturing facility or new development Controversies and grievances in last 12 months Any involvement by the company in issues including environmental, social or governance-related negative coverage. Information on this is obtained through online searches on specialised ESG news providers, general media, social media, financial news outlets, and others. Financing Type and Amount Overview of the company’s financing facilities with BIMB including financing type and RM value. Overview of ESG risks and controls: Governance License to Operate Does the company have the necessary government and/or regulatory approvals required to carry out business activities, especially those related to environmentally and socially sensitive aspects, i.e. plantations, construction, mining, oil & gas, forestry, and others. ESG Policies Does the company have policy commitments to monitor and mitigate ESGrelated risks, i.e. safety and health, waste management, biodiversity, community impacts, etc. Certifications and Standards Does the company possess general or industry-specific certifications? Examples include RSPO, CIDB, FSC, PEFC, ISO, OHSAS, etc. Social Health and Safety Does the company have systems and controls to ensure workplace safety and health? Labour Does the company have systems and controls to ensure labour standards are upheld i.e. on minimum wages, working hours, no forced, bonded or child labour? Community Impacts Does the company have systems and controls to monitor and mitigate impacts of the operations on nearby communities? INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 115