Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

The 6 strategic objectives continue to support and govern the Bank’s agenda and shape its key priorities and building blocks as a direct focused effort towards the Bank’s 5-year aspiration BIMB views climate change as a high priority area of impact that needs to be tackled by businesses in all sectors, including banking and finance. BIMB has put in place an overarching sustainability strategy by considering areas of sustainable finance including climate risk management, internal sustainability actions, training and capacity building, and external engagement. The initial building blocks of our sustainability strategy focused on managing the direct climate and ESG risk arising from our business activities including the provision of banking and financing services for business and consumers. BIMB’s LEAP25 strategy includes consideration of sustainability through our targets and priority areas. SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY BIMB’s strategic direction is anchored by a five (5) year plan. Premised on our alignment to VBI, namely, Sustainable Prosperity, Values-based Culture, Community Empowerment, Customer Centricity, Real Economy and Digitalisation. a. The first pillar, Sustainable Prosperity, is to focus on “Responsibly Create Value to Shareholders and Other Stakeholders in Ensuring Sustainable Strength” while “Diversifying revenue streams and sustaining growth momentum”. b. T he fifth pillar, Real Economy, envisions how BIMB is focused on making a positive difference to the Real Economy (“RE”), by responsibly growing our SME banking portfolio; assisting MSMEs and promoting RE programmes as a responsible financial intermediary. Vision THE BANK THAT ADVANCES PROSPERITY TO ALL Mission TO PROVIDE SOLUTIONS THAT DELIVER VALUE Assuring Trust Delivering Value Our Vision & Mission 6 Strategic Its Pillars Meaning BIMB Sustainability Plan • More than double ESGrated financing assets • Impact creation to 3000 beneficiaries through social finance • Employee engagement score at par with Malaysia’s Best Employer norm • Achieve ROE of above 20% • Sustain non-fund based income (NFBI) contribution of 10% • ROE and Capital Investment (CI) ratio of 40% Champion in ShariahESG total financial solution with leadership in digital banking and social financing ENVIRONMENTAL E SOCIAL S GOVERNANCE G Sustainable Prosperity Continuous sound financial performance Values-based Culture Doing the right thing Community Empowerment Communities thriving with us Customer Centricity Providing the best experience for our customers Real Economy Producing goods and services Digitalisation Technology helps us in realising our purpose INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 109