Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

BIMB has developed and implemented a sustainability governance structure to provide oversight and strategic direction over the Group’s sustainable finance initiatives. While the ESG Risk Framework allows us to effectively identify, manage, and monitor ESG risk across our business, the Framework is part of an overall Sustainability Plan and Roadmap that guides our actions as a financial institution in implementing sustainable finance. The highest implementation committee for BIMB is the Management Sustainability Committee (“MSC”) where the Group CEO and senior management members are permanent members who are entrusted to implement the Group Sustainability Plan and Roadmap internally and externally across the various business segments. The MSC reports to the Board Strategic & Sustainability Committee (“BSSC”) that provides strategic direction and oversight on sustainability. The Board Risk Committee (“BRC”) and Management Risk Control Committee (“MRCC”) provides oversight and strategic direction on the Group’s ESG Risk Framework that focuses on how BIMB manages and mitigates key ESG risks and impacts including climate change, environmental and social risks across its portfolio. In 2022, further enhancements to the governance structure are planned including the formalisation of Board-level committees and working groups to ensure implementation of our sustainability commitments are carried out efficiently across the various business segments. SUSTAINABILITY GOVERNANCE STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT BIMB values all its stakeholders and has made significant efforts to engage its various stakeholders to understand the material areas of interest and align our sustainability actions and strategy towards areas of sustainable finance that bring most nearterm and long-term impact. To this end, we have engaged regulators, customers, investors, NGOs and civil society in terms of ESG through various methods including meetings, responding to queries and annual surveys as well as participating in collaborative efforts on sustainable finance. MATERIAL ESG ASPECTS BIMB aspires to align our business operations and growth with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (“UN SDGs”). The UN SDGs were matched to our, i.e. BIMB’s material matters with the purpose of serving the best interest of our stakeholders, and ensure that our actions are leaving no one behind and will create impact that leads to socioeconomic progress of our business, the nation and society while ensuring the protection of the natural environment and biodiversity. For a discussion on how the Group’s material matters are identified, please see pages 54 to 57 of this report BANK I SLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD 108