Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

BIMB SECURITIES BIMB Securities is a full-fledged Shariah-compliant stockbroking company that has distinguished itself in the market through offering personalised services at competitive rates. We provide an avenue for clients to invest in Shariah-compliant listed companies, based on the List of Approved Shariah Compliant Securities issued by the Shariah Advisory Council of the SC. We offer a range of services, including stockbroking services to institutional and retail clients, Shariah Advisory Services, share margin financing and investment research. WHO WE ARE KEY INITIATIVES Sustainable Prosperity Reducing our over-reliance on Institutional Dealing by growing other business segments, including retail dealing and fee-based income to sustain our long-term growth. • W e upgraded our offerings to retail investors and expanded our Share Margin Financing facility, which has led to a steady increase in both our retail brokerage and profit margin. • G arnered Underwriting and Placement income as part of our plan to increase fee-based income. Customer-Centricity We continued to focus on digital solutions and improved customer outreach in order to support our retail and institutional clients. • D eveloped a new mobile application that will offer retail clients online trading beginning in Q12022 and launched a Chatbox helpdesk to support retail clients. • O ur Research teams utilised social media platforms to reach-out to our retail clients in order to provide thematic investment updates and enable live interaction. • E nsured that we maintained a minimum Tier-2 rating with Institutional Platinum clients and also extended our Shariah advisory services to include a wider range of fund management products. • O ur Retail and Institutional divisions conducted webinars directed at their respective clients throughout the year, providing information and insights into the volatile markets. Digitalisation The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated our digital initiatives to facilitate clients’ online trading and provide them with increased levels of service and convenience. • W e integrated the FPX internet payment gateway into our Online Trading platform, enabled digital signing capability for retail clients and simplified the procedure for new clients to open accounts digitally with us. • R olled out BISonline, our new online trading mobile app with advanced features, to selected clients in the fourth-quarter and it will be available to all clients by Q12022. BUSINESS REVIEW INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 103