Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

BIMB INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT BIMB Investment is the fund management arm of BIMB and a United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment (UNPRI) signatory. With a track record of more than 28 years in Islamic Fund Management, we have been a pioneer in the industry on Shariah-ESG investing since 2015 and we continue to push the boundaries of innovation. In 2021, we launched Malaysia’s first SRI Waqf fund, the Makmur MyWakaf fund. Our global shariah-ESG equity fund and the global ESG Sukuk fund continue to be the largest global shariah ESG equity fund and global Sukuk fund in Malaysia respectively. We are a leader in Shariah-ESG investment in Malaysia, with Shariah-ESG funds now making-up 65% of our assets under management with the the widest shariah-ESG funds across asset classes. BIMB Investment currently manages 27 Shariah Funds across various strategies, geographical locations and asset classes. These account for 15% to the total net asset value of the SRI Fund Management Industry and 34% of the total net asset value of Islamic SRI Funds in Malaysia. Additionally, we have continued our pioneering role with the growing integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into our investment strategies. As we move forward, BIMB Investment is set to emerge as global leader in Shariah-ESG asset management through our strategic partnership with London-based, Arabesque Asset Management. On 15 April 2022, the Securities Commission Malaysia approved Arabesque Asset Management’s 49% equity shareholding in BIMB Investment. WHO WE ARE KEY INITIATIVES Sustainable Prosperity BIMB Investment continues to be a leader in the growing Shariah-ESG space. In 2021, we launched three new Shariah-ESG funds. Our excellence in this space has led to multiple international awards and recognitions, including a string of wins in 2021. We have also been used as a case study on Shariah-ESG by the United Kingdom Islamic Finance Council (UKIFC). Additionally, our prowess in building sustainable prosperity led to an invitation for BIMB Investment to speak at the Islamic Finance and SDGs Global Summit in conjunction with the 76th United Nations General Assembly, New York, in September 2021. Customer-Centricity We aim to deliver seamless and exceptional customer service, both in-person and through the digital platforms that play an increasingly important role in our business. As part of that commitment, we launched the BEST Invest App in April 2020. The robo-intelligence app made goals-based investing, easily available and affordable to retail investors. The app garnered more than 15,000 investors and continues to see strong growth, proving that it meets the evolving needs of our customers. Digitalisation • Digital acceleration and the effective execution of our digital strategy are keys to driving our growth, both by offering customers a seamless investing experience and by using AI and Big Data to provide better investment insights. To ensure that our digital strategy is in line with global best practices, we have established a strategic partnership with London-based, Arabesque Asset Management. • We see almost unlimited growth potential for our digital business. Our award-winning BEST Invest App captured a total of RM13.88 million sales in 2021, exceeding its target of RM10 million, despite only having scratched the surface of its potential market. BANK I SLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD 100