Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

The outlook for 2022 is marked by uncertainty, even as the country enters the endemic phase of COVID-19. Markets will remain volatile as economies return to growth but face headwinds from geopolitical factors, supply chain disruptions and other uncertainties. The prevailing low interest rate has continued to compress margins but is expected to encourage corporate refinancing exercises. We will also continue to monitor credit markets for signs of fragility as the prolonged repayments assistance measures begin to wind-down. Moving forward, we will continue to build upon the strategies and initiatives that we began in 2021: • W e will support the growth of ESG-aligned businesses by providing responsible financing. Our sectorial focus will remain on infrastructure, construction, green energy and power, plantations, healthcare, oil & gas and property development. • A cquiring new-to-bank customers and refinancing via Unrated Sukuk Programme. • M aintain our client coverage approach under the Wholesale Banking initiative. • L everaging on existing customers and growing deposits from our portfolio customers. • I ncrease our participation in syndicated financing & refinancing of large exposure. • S trengthening our customer relationships by providing proactive banking services to support their growth potential. Asset Quality: There is no Past Due Non Impaired recorded as at Dec 2021. Asset Quality: Overall Impaired Ratio as at Dec 2021 stood at 3.52% FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 19’ 20’ 21’ 6.1 6.8 7 19’ 20’ 21’ 240.3 296.0 266.9 19’ 20’ 21’ 14.9 14.8 8.9 Asset (TOS) Growth (RM Billion) Total Actual Fund-Based Income (RM Million) Total Actual Non-Fund-Based Income (RM Million) OUTLOOK AND STRATEGIC PLANS FOR 2022 BUSINESS REVIEW INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 99