Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN Dear Shareholders, On behalf of the Board of Directors, it gives me great pleasure to present to you Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad’s (BIMB) first Integrated Annual Report. This is my first statement for BIMB as a listed entity, since the completion of our restructuring exercise from our former parent company, BIMB Holdings Berhad (BHB). BIMB is now accorded full autonomy in undertaking and pursuing our corporate and business strategies, as Malaysia’s first full fledged pure-play Islamic financial institution on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia. This is an exciting moment for BIMB as the listing provides an advantageous position for BIMB to capitalise on the growth in Islamic finance and the Islamic capital market, and reinforces our efforts to expand our customer base. With a market capitalisation of RM6.2 billion, we are well positioned to deliver our five-year business strategy roadmap, LEAP25, which would redefine our growth and enable us to work in new ways to create stakeholder value. 2021 was a year of renewed optimism, as well as uncertainties. What was expected to be a year of recovery has brought the world to a halt with new waves of COVID-19 variants weighing down on the crucial veins of the economy. From uneven economic recovery to unequal access to vaccines, from widening income inequalities to disruptions in education, the pandemic had a disproportionate impact on the vulnerable in 2021. Aligned with our vision as a Bank that Advances Prosperity for All, BIMB responded to the challenges faced by our customers and the community by going beyond financial performance, standing alongside each of them, offering them aid to ease their difficulties. COMMENDABLE FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE During the year under review, BIMB delivered a commendable performance on the back of higher fund based income and lower impairment losses. We recorded a Group Profit Before Zakat and Taxation (PBZT) of RM704.2 million, a decline of 3.3% mainly due to lower non-fund-based income and higher operating expenses. The Group has declared an interim dividend of 10.93 sen per share for the year. Our performance translates into an Earnings Per Share (EPS) of 21.87 sen and a Net Return on Equity (ROE) of 8.4% (after tax and zakat). Our sustained dividend payout is reflective of our unwavering efforts to withstand the year’s challenges, as we continue to leverage on our strong fundamentals to achieve significant milestones. ADVANCING PROSPERITY FOR ALL At BIMB, we are confident of our ability to create sustainable value for all our stakeholders. Central to this are our clear focus on meeting customers’ expectations, our strong market position and a full suite of Shariah-compliant product offerings. We have taken a considered approach in the development and delivery of products and services, taking into account societal needs, while ensuring the efficiency of our operations to continuously improve customer experience. We continue to enhance our offerings and services, in line with the evolving banking landscape. In 2021, we launched the DuitNow QR function on BIMB’s GO Mobile Banking App and GO Biz by Bank Islam, an app targeted at Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) customers. Sharp shifts in consumer preference to transact online have prompted us to further accelerate our ongoing digitalisation initiatives. Our efforts were recognised when we were awarded the Most Helpful Bank during COVID-19 in Malaysia and fifth in Asia Pacific, by The Asian Banker in May 2021. We also ranked fourth out of 55 Malaysian brands on KPMG’s Customer Experience Excellence Survey 2021. DEFERMENT AND ASSISTED REPAYMENT SCHEMES PROVIDED ASSISTANCE TO OVER 154,000 CUSTOMERS INVOLVING RM23BILLION URUS PEMULIH Targeted Repayment Assistance Prihatin Flood Relief Programme BANK I SLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD 8