Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2020

The frontliners in the health and medical sector have been ȃƃɨǁ ƃɽ ʥɁɨȟ ɥɨɁʤȈǁȈȶǼ ƺƃɨlj ɽɁ ɽȃɁɰlj ƃǹǹljƺɽljǁ ƹʰ :ÝřŽAӸѴѼӗ making them most vulnerable and at-risk. Recognising their critical role, as a priority, we provided relief for medical ʥɁɨȟljɨɰ ƃɽ ѴѼ ȃɁɰɥȈɽƃȢɰ ƃƺɨɁɰɰ ɽȃlj ƺɁʍȶɽɨʰӝ ěȃlj ƺɁȶɽɨȈƹʍɽȈɁȶɰ were in the form of basic necessities and appliances such as industrial and cooler fans, relaxing chairs, air conditioners, sofa beds, tables, kettles, pillows, beds, mattresses and mats. The aim was to provide comfort for these frontline workers as they continue to work tirelessly in attending to ƃȶǁ ɽɨljƃɽȈȶǼ ɽȃlj :ÝřŽAӸѴѼ ɥƃɽȈljȶɽɰӝ PROVIDING RELIEF TO MEDICAL WORKERS During the year under review, the state of Sabah experienced ƃ ɰȃƃɨɥ Ȉȶƺɨljƃɰlj Ȉȶ ɽȃlj ȶʍȴƹljɨ Ɂǹ :ÝřŽAӸѴѼ ƺƃɰljɰӝ Ślj directed our efforts to ensuring the wellbeing of the ɥɁɥʍȢƃƺlj ƹʰ ƺɁȶɽɨȈƹʍɽȈȶǼ ĄÃѷѵӗѳѳѳ ǁʍɨȈȶǼ ɽȃlj ǹȈɨɰɽ ʥƃʤlj Ɂǹ ɽȃlj ɥƃȶǁljȴȈƺӝ ȶ ƃǁǁȈɽȈɁȶƃȢ ĄÃѴѳѳӗѳѳѳ ʥƃɰ ƺɁȶɽɨȈƹʍɽljǁ during the second wave of the pandemic, of which: ĄÃѵѳӗѳѳѳ ʥƃɰ ƺȃƃȶȶljȢȢljǁ ɽɁ ǹɨɁȶɽȢȈȶljɨɰ Ȉȶ ǹɁʍɨ ǁȈɰɽɨȈƺɽɰ – Tawau, Lahad Datu, Sandakan and Kota Kinabalu – in the form of food supplies, drinks and other necessities. ĄÃѻѳӗѳѳѳ ʥƃɰ ǁȈɰɽɨȈƹʍɽljǁ ɽɁ ѻѳѳ ƃǹǹljƺɽljǁ ǹƃȴȈȢȈljɰ Ȉȶ five districts – Tawau, Lahad Datu, Tuaran, Sandakan and Semporna – in the form of basic necessities. The identification of families and distribution process were done through collaborations with Lahad Datu District Police Headquarters, Fisheries Development Authority of Malaysia (LKIM) Sabah, Persatuan Skuad Komuniti Prihatin Sabah, Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak Leluhur Nusantara Negeri Sabah and Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak Impian Malaysia (Borneo Komrad). OFFERING AMAL PRIHATIN RELIEF IN SABAH RM 142,000 IN TOTAL WAS CONTRIBUTED DURING FIRST AND SECOND WAVE OF THE PANDEMIC Below are some of the key initiatives: BANK ISLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2020 95