Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2020

7. OPERATIONAL RISK (CONTINUED) 7.4 ORM Tools & Mitigation Strategies (continued) As part of the risk transfer strategy, the Group obtains a 3rd party Takaful coverage to cover for the Group’s high impact loss events. The Group also ensures that the group-wide Operational Risk awareness programme is conducted on an ongoing basis. This training programme emphasises on inculcating an operational risk culture among staff, effective implementation of ORM tools, fraud awareness, BCM and other aspects of ORM. 7.5 Capital Treatment for Operational Risk Operational Risk capital charge is calculated using the BIA as per BNM’s CAFIB. The BIA for operational risk capital charge calculation applies an alpha (15%) to the average of positive gross income that was achieved over the previous three years by the Group. The RWA amount is computed by multiplying the minimum capital required with a multiplier of 12.5 (reciprocal of 8%). 8. SHARIAH GOVERNANCE 8.1 Overview By virtue of BNM’s Shariah Governance Policy Document (“SGPD”), the Group has established a sound and robust Shariah governance framework with the emphasis placed on the roles of its key functionalities, which include having in place an effective and responsible Board and Management and an independent Shariah Supervisory Council (“SSC”) that is supported by strong and competent internal Shariah functions. To date, the Group has put in place the Shariah Compliance Policy to communicate the comprehensive of Shariah governance framework to ensure the Group’s business activities and behaviours are in compliance with Shariah rules and principles, provisions of the Islamic Financial Services Act (“IFSA”) 2013, BNM’s SGPD and its other rules and regulations, and the resolutions of BNM and Securities Commission (“SC”)’s Shariah Advisory Council and the SSC. 8.2 Shariah Risk Management The Group’s Shariah risk management as part of operational risk management is guided by Operational Risk Management (“ORM”) Policy and Guidelines which set out the high-level framework supporting the Shariah Compliance Policy and detail out the Shariah risk management processes and tools. The policy and guidelines serve to provide a consistent group-wide framework for managing SNCR across the Group. In addition to this, the Risk Loss Event Management and Reporting (‘’RLEMR”) Guideline provides sound mechanism on Shariah non-compliance (“SNC”) management and reporting in order to ensure the Group strictly complies with Shariah rules and principles as well as the regulatory requirements. The guideline has been established to be in line with the mechanism set out by BNM’s Operational Risk Reporting Requirement – Operational Risk Integrated Online Network (“ORION”) and to ensure compliance with section 28(3) of the IFSA 2013 which requires any SNC event to be immediately reported to BNM. Additionally, pursuant to this guideline, any actual SNC events caused by operational lapses including negligence, breach of policies and lack of due care by staff may be subject to disciplinary action. Being part of operational risk, the Shariah risk management leverages on the same ORM principles, processes and tools. The responsibility of managing SNCR is spearheaded by the Group’s Shariah Risk Management Unit (“SRMU”). In general, all ORM tools are extended to the process of managing SNCR. However, the tools are modified to suit the regulatory requirements on Shariah governance in order to provide a robust and consistent approach in managing SNCR. BANK ISLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2020 369