Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2020

4. CREDIT RISK (CONTINUED) 4.9 Credit Risk Mitigation (CRM) (continued) Disclosure of Credit Risk Mitigation (CRM) (continued): 31 December 2019 Exposures before CRM Exposures covered by guarantees Exposures covered by eligible financial and non-financial collateral Exposure class RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 On-Balance Sheet Exposures Sovereign/Central Banks 5,678,926 – – Public Sector Entities 1,436,018 – 7,127 Banks, DFIs and MDBs 302,847 – – Corporates 19,213,079 859,456 874,834 Regulatory Retail 17,344,379 41,971 155,619 Residential Mortgages 19,642,414 455 102,143 Higher Risk Assets 4,246 – – Other Assets 2,813,575 – – Defaulted Exposures 656,364 97,715 71,738 Total for On-Balance Sheet Exposures 67,091,848 999,597 1,211,461 Off-Balance Sheet Exposures Credit-related Exposures 1,571,531 10,368 21,795 Derivative Financial Instruments 79,772 – – Defaulted Exposures 14,687 1,303 – Total for Off-Balance Sheet Exposures 1,665,990 11,671 21,795 Total On and Off-Balance Sheet Exposures 68,757,838 1,011,268 1,233,256 PILLAR 3 DISCLOSURE as at 31 December 2020 358 Financ ial Statement s Accountabi l i t y Addi t ional Informat ion