Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2020

4. CREDIT RISK (CONTINUED) 4.6 Gross Credit Exposures (continued) (b) Distribution of Credit Exposures by Sector (continued) (i) Group (continued) 31 December 2019 Primary Agriculture Mining and Quarrying Manufacturing Electricity, Gas and Water Wholesale & Retail Trade and Restaurant & Hotels Construction Real Estate Transport, Storage & Communication Finance, Insurance and Business Services Education, Health and Others Household Sector Other Sectors Total Exposure Class RM‘000 RM‘000 RM‘000 RM‘000 RM‘000 RM‘000 RM‘000 RM ‘000 RM‘000 RM‘000 RM‘000 RM‘000 RM‘000 Credit Risk On-Balance Sheet Exposures Sovereign/Central Banks – – – – – – – – 3,425,537 – – 2,253,389 5,678,926 Public Sector Entities – – – – – – – – 188,573 1,236,325 159 12,716 1,437,773 Banks, Developments Financial Institutions and Multilateral Development Banks – – – – – – – – 246,446 – 434 56,391 303,271 Corporate 1,046,970 37,782 807,501 3,420,837 613,618 2,620,144 1,559,804 2,388,599 3,528,760 293,857 73,024 3,325,995 19,716,891 Regulatory Retail 7,420 1,259 22,955 720 44,372 61,132 34,532 11,791 49,621 39,844 17,086,334 58,144 17,418,124 Residential Mortgages – 662 31 – – – – – – – 19,718,774 – 19,719,467 Higher Risk Assets – – – – – – – – – – 4,246 – 4,246 Other Assets – – – – – – – – – – – 2,824,066 2,824,066 Total for On-Balance Sheet Exposures 1,054,390 39,703 830,487 3,421,557 657,990 2,681,276 1,594,336 2,400,390 7,438,937 1,570,026 36,882,971 8,530,701 67,102,764 Off-Balance Sheet Exposures – Credit-related Exposures 54,341 15,585 99,009 66,521 74,841 330,468 94,380 59,039 92,655 176,097 238,421 284,861 1,586,218 Derivative Financial Instruments – – 383 – 32,110 – – 3 12,889 27,955 – 6,432 79,772 Total for Off-Balance Sheet Exposures 54,341 15,585 99,392 66,521 106,951 330,468 94,380 59,042 105,544 204,052 238,421 291,293 1,665,990 Total On and Off-Balance Sheet Exposures 1,108,731 55,288 929,879 3,488,078 764,941 3,011,744 1,688,716 2,459,432 7,544,481 1,774,078 37,121,392 8,821,994 68,768,754 PILLAR 3 DISCLOSURE as at 31 December 2020 342 Financ ial Statement s Accountabi l i t y Addi t ional Informat ion