Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2020

42. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES (CONTINUED) The off-Balance Sheet and counterparties credit risk for the Group and the Bank are as follows (continued): 31 December 2019 Nature of item Principal Amount RM’000 Credit Equivalent Amount RM’000 Risk Weighted Asset RM’000 Credit related exposures Direct credit substitutes 416,059 416,059 413,653 Transaction related contingent items 930,689 465,344 442,978 Short-term self-liquidating trade related contingencies 603,739 120,748 120,588 Other commitments, such as formal standby facilities and credit lines, with an original maturity of: – exceeding one year 1,168,133 584,067 433,070 Any commitments that are unconditionally cancelled at any time by the Bank without prior notice or that effectively provide for automatic cancellation due to deterioration in a borrower’s creditworthiness 7,892,943 – – 11,011,563 1,586,218 1,410,289 Principal Amount RM’000 Positive Fair Value of Derivative Contracts RM’000 Credit Equivalent Amount RM’000 Risk Weighted Asset RM’000 Derivative Financial Instruments Foreign exchange related contracts – less than one year 6,255,520 31,626 72,532 38,011 Profit rate related contracts – one year to less than five years 147,098 1,700 7,240 4,886 6,402,618 33,326 79,772 42,897 Total 17,414,181 33,326 1,665,990 1,453,186 BANK ISLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2020 305