Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2020

39. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT (CONTINUED) (d) Liquidity risk (continued) Maturity analysis (continued) Bank As at 31 December 2020 On demand RM’000 Up to 1 month RM’000 >1 to 3 months RM’000 >3 to 6 months RM’000 >6 to 12 months RM’000 Over 1 year RM’000 Total RM’000 Assets Cash and short-term funds and deposits and placements with financial institutions 725,548 4,490,732 – – – – 5,216,280 Financial assets at FVTPL – 476,348 – 30,051 50,041 619,000 1,175,440 Derivative financial assets – 25,579 26,773 6,915 227 2,171 61,665 Financial assets at FVOCI – 80,531 678,405 395,567 831,388 10,572,838 12,558,729 Financing, advances and others – 1,799,333 1,054,893 429,657 377,000 51,009,752 54,670,635 Other financial assets at amortised cost 182,041 – – – – – 182,041 Statutory deposits with Bank Negara Malaysia 192,425 – – – – – 192,425 Total assets 1,100,014 6,872,523 1,760,071 862,190 1,258,656 62,203,761 74,057,215 Liabilities Deposits from customers 17,924,046 12,210,491 8,397,374 5,832,265 4,960,719 1,770,556 51,095,451 Investment accounts of customers 5,113,275 2,482,295 2,231,757 1,913,851 620,569 7,150 12,368,897 Derivative financial liabilities – 29,422 56,599 17,269 938 1,644 105,872 Bills and acceptance payable 29,621 – – – – – 29,621 Recourse obligations on financing sold to Cagamas – – – – – 1,501,187 1,501,187 Subordinated Sukuk Murabahah – – 3,904 9,260 – 1,700,000 1,713,164 Other liabilities 965,332 – – – – 59,523 1,024,855 Lease liabilities – 1,409 2,267 3,323 6,437 298,993 312,429 Total liabilities 24,032,274 14,723,617 10,691,901 7,775,968 5,588,663 5,339,053 68,151,476 Net liquidity gap on statement of financial position (22,932,260) (7,851,094) (8,931,830) (6,913,778) (4,330,007) 56,864,708 5,905,739 Commitments and contingencies – 5,593,261 4,554,283 2,271,427 4,929,870 2,840,655 20,189,496 Net liquidity gap (22,932,260) (13,444,355) (13,486,113) (9,185,205) (9,259,877) 54,024,053 (14,283,757) Notes to the financial statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2020 294 Financ ial Statement s Accountabi l i t y Addi t ional Informat ion