Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2020

39. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT (CONTINUED) (b) Credit risk (continued) (iii) Credit quality of financing, advances and others (continued) Past due but not impaired financing Group and Bank 2020 2019 RM’000 % to gross financing RM’000 % to gross financing By ageing Month-in-arrears 1 429,323 0.77 360,615 0.72 Month-in-arrears 2 199,444 0.36 198,355 0.39 628,767 1.13 558,970 1.11 Impaired financing Group and Bank 2020 RM’000 2019 RM’000 By ageing Month-in-arrears 0 38,464 49,828 Month-in-arrears 1 8,164 10,731 Month-in-arrears 2 20,125 5,446 Month-in-arrears 3 and above 306,481 366,996 373,234 433,001 Impaired financing of which rescheduled and restructured financing Group and Bank 2020 RM’000 2019 RM’000 Consumer 23,608 17,120 Business 65,369 61,786 88,977 78,906 Rescheduled or restructured financings are financings that have been rescheduled or restructured due to deterioration in the customers’ financial positions and the Bank has made concessions that it would not otherwise consider. Once the financing is rescheduled or restructured, its satisfactory performance is monitored for a period of six (6) months before it can be reclassified to performing. BANK ISLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2020 279