Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2020

39. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT (CONTINUED) (b) Credit risk (continued) (iii) Credit quality of financing, advances and others (continued) The credit quality of the Bank’s financing, advances and others are summarised as follows: (continued) Group and Bank 2019 Stage 1 RM’000 Stage 2 RM’000 Stage 3 RM’000 Total RM’000 Financing, advances and others NPDNI: – Excellent 42,776,005 372,582 – 43,148,587 – Satisfactory 5,281,199 546,463 – 5,827,662 – Fair 208,508 47,241 – 255,749 48,265,712 966,286 – 49,231,998 PDNI – 558,970 – 558,970 Impaired – – 433,001 433,001 Gross carrying amount 48,265,712 1,525,256 433,001 50,223,969 Financing commitments NPDNI: – Excellent 7,610,330 113,645 – 7,723,975 – Satisfactory 1,167,045 69,998 – 1,237,043 – Fair 31,975 38,122 – 70,097 8,809,350 221,765 – 9,031,115 PDNI – 13,427 – 13,427 Impaired – – 16,534 16,534 Gross exposure 8,809,350 235,192 16,534 9,061,076 Impairment allowances (402,059) (147,588) (172,197) (721,844) Net exposure 56,673,003 1,612,860 277,338 58,563,201 Financial guarantee contracts NPDNI: – Excellent 1,819,240 5,211 – 1,824,451 – Satisfactory 117,731 5,207 – 122,938 – Fair 229 2,290 – 2,519 1,937,200 12,708 – 1,949,908 PDNI – – – – Impaired – – 579 579 Gross exposure 1,937,200 12,708 579 1,950,487 Impairment allowances (29,076) (527) – (29,603) Net exposure 1,908,124 12,181 579 1,920,884 BANK ISLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2020 277