Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2020

39. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT (CONTINUED) (b) Credit risk (continued) (iii) Credit quality of financing, advances and others The credit quality of the Bank’s financing, advances and others are summarised as follows: Group and Bank 2020 Stage 1 RM’000 Stage 2 RM’000 Stage 3 RM’000 Total RM’000 Financing, advances and others Neither past due nor impaired (“NPDNI”): – Excellent 46,398,623 827,642 – 47,226,265 – Satisfactory 6,267,615 727,566 – 6,995,181 – Fair 263,084 112,065 – 375,149 52,929,322 1,667,273 – 54,596,595 Past due but not impaired (“PDNI”) – 628,767 – 628,767 Impaired – – 373,234 373,234 Gross carrying amount 52,929,322 2,296,040 373,234 55,598,596 Financing commitments NPDNI: – Excellent 7,924,991 33,371 – 7,958,362 – Satisfactory 1,431,364 105,542 – 1,536,906 – Fair 69,915 27,818 – 97,733 9,426,270 166,731 – 9,593,001 PDNI – 5,501 – 5,501 Impaired – – 16,725 16,725 Gross exposure 9,426,270 172,232 16,725 9,615,227 Impairment allowances (625,052) (151,067) (122,532) (898,651) Net exposure 61,730,540 2,317,205 267,427 64,315,172 Financial guarantee contracts NPDNI: – Excellent 1,691,570 583 – 1,692,153 – Satisfactory 232,950 15,669 – 248,619 – Fair 234 628 – 862 1,924,754 16,880 – 1,941,634 PDNI – – – – Impaired – – 157 157 Gross exposure 1,924,754 16,880 157 1,941,791 Impairment allowances (28,930) (380) – (29,310) Net exposure 1,895,824 16,500 157 1,912,481 Notes to the financial statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2020 276 Financ ial Statement s Accountabi l i t y Addi t ional Informat ion