Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2020

16. INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS OF CUSTOMERS (CONTINUED) (b) By type of customers Group Bank 2020 RM’000 2019 RM’000 2020 RM’000 2019 RM’000 Individuals 4,840,308 3,448,415 4,840,308 3,448,415 Government and statutory bodies 4,385,196 3,747,895 4,385,196 3,747,895 Business Enterprises 1,130,539 769,038 1,130,539 769,038 Non-bank financial institutions 1,861,096 2,182,680 1,861,465 2,182,680 International Islamic Bank – 10,001 – 10,001 Others 151,389 82,344 151,389 82,344 12,368,528 10,240,373 12,368,897 10,240,373 (c) Movement of investment accounts of customers Unrestricted investment accounts Restricted investment accounts Wakalah RM’000 Group Mudharabah RM’000 Wakalah RM’000 Total RM’000 As at 1 January 2019 2,594,846 2,581,973 5,176,819 78,717 Funding inflows/outflows: Net movement 606,511 – 606,511 – New placement – 8,442,709 8,442,709 – Redemption/Principal repayment – (4,161,287) (4,161,287) (48,030) Income from investment 148,478 247,186 395,664 4,821 Bank’s share of profit: Profit distributed to Mudharib (138,492) – (138,492) – Wakalah fees – (81,551) (81,551) (446) As at 31 December 2019/ 1 January 2020 3,211,343 7,029,030 10,240,373 35,062 Funding inflows/outflows: Net movement 1,891,324 – 1,891,324 – New placement – 7,231,351 7,231,351 – Redemption/Principal repayment – (7,216,546) (7,216,546) (23,849) Income from investment 167,812 339,397 507,209 1,278 Bank’s share of profit: Profit distributed to Mudharib (157,204) – (157,204) – Wakalah fees – (127,979) (127,979) (576) As at 31 December 2020 5,113,275 7,255,253 12,368,528 11,915 Notes to the financial statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2020 242 Financ ial Statement s Accountabi l i t y Addi t ional Informat ion