Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2020

13. INVESTMENTS IN SUBSIDIARIES (CONTINUED) Details of subsidiaries are as follows: Effective ownership interest Name of Company Principal activities 2020 % 2019 % Al-Wakalah Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn. Bhd. Provides nominee services 100 100 BIMB Investment Management Berhad Manages Islamic Unit Trust Funds 100 100 Bank Islam Trust Company (Labuan) Ltd. Provides services as a Labuan registered trust company 100 100 and its subsidiary: BIMB Offshore Company Management Services Sdn. Bhd. Acts as Resident Corporate Secretary and Director for Offshore Companies 100 100 Farihan Corporation Sdn. Bhd. Provides manpower services to the Bank 100 100 14. PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Group Long term leasehold land RM’000 Building improvements and renovations RM’000 Furniture, fixtures and fittings RM’000 Office equipment RM’000 Computer equipment RM’000 Motor vehicles RM’000 Renovation work-in- progress RM’000 Management information system under development RM’000 Total RM’000 Cost At 1 January 2020 14,784 35,764 135,352 102,239 445,043 943 4,362 23,428 761,915 Additions – 646 2,370 4,478 32,100 – 2,130 51,155 92,879 Reclassifications – 372 1,782 351 17,908 – (2,505) (17,908) – Disposals – – (81) (85) (903) – – – (1,069) Written-off – (749) (2,770) (4,391) (13,584) – – – (21,494) Exchange difference – – (5) (7) (6) – – – (18) At 31 December 2020 14,784 36,033 136,648 102,585 480,558 943 3,987 56,675 832,213 Accumulated depreciation At 1 January 2020 2,174 27,857 101,793 89,781 344,014 701 – – 566,320 Depreciation for the year 174 1,849 8,871 5,881 39,678 93 – – 56,546 Disposals – – (81) (85) (901) – – – (1,067) Written-off – (583) (2,092) (4,342) (13,552) – – – (20,569) Exchange difference – – (5) (6) (6) – – – (17) At 31 December 2020 2,348 29,123 108,486 91,229 369,233 794 – – 601,213 Net carrying amount At 31 December 2020 12,436 6,910 28,162 11,356 111,325 149 3,987 56,675 231,000 Notes to the financial statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2020 236 Financ ial Statement s Accountabi l i t y Addi t ional Informat ion