Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2020

8. FINANCING, ADVANCES AND OTHERS (CONTINUED) (a) By type and Shariah contract (continued) Included in financing, advances and others are house financing and personal financing that are used for the underlying assets of Unrestricted Investment Accounts (“UA”) and financing sold to Cagamas with recourse to the Group and the Bank. The details are as follows: Group Note 2020 RM’000 2019 RM’000 House financing Unrestricted Investment Accounts 16 8,740,902 6,726,143 Sold to Cagamas with recourse 17 1,501,187 1,501,187 10,242,089 8,227,330 Personal financing Unrestricted Investment Accounts 16 3,627,626 3,514,230 (b) By type of customer Group and Bank 2020 RM’000 2019 RM’000 Domestic non-bank financial institutions 1,473,316 1,595,043 Domestic business enterprise 9,859,263 8,384,026 Small & medium enterprises 1,799,003 2,017,946 Government & statutory bodies 743,051 729,905 Individuals 41,353,603 37,227,020 Other domestic entities 102,008 71,582 Foreign entities 268,352 198,447 55,598,596 50,223,969 (c) By profit rate sensitivity Group and Bank 2020 RM’000 2019 RM’000 Fixed rate House financing 732,437 985,880 Others 3,859,673 3,700,354 Floating rate House financing 21,485,764 19,299,203 Others 29,520,722 26,238,532 55,598,596 50,223,969 BANK ISLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2020 227