Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2020

AʍɨȈȶǼ ɽȃlj ʰljƃɨ ʍȶǁljɨ ɨljʤȈljʥӗ ʥlj ƃȢɰɁ became the first bank in Malaysia to deploy a mobile onboarding (MOB) channel for retail customers that provides the first end-to-end account opening exper ience including on-the-spot issuance of debit cards via appointment. ŚȈɽȃ ÃÝ9ӗ Ȉɽ ɁȶȢʰ ɽƃȟljɰ ѹ ȴȈȶʍɽljɰ ɽɁ complete a customer’s account opening process and no fee is imposed. The introduction of MOB at the onset of the :ÝřŽAӸѴѼ ɥƃȶǁljȴȈƺ ȃƃɰ ȃljȢɥljǁ customers to make the most of this innovative solution, while still observing movement restrictions as well as safety and health protocols. This is in addition to our successful GO by Bank Islam mobile application that proved to be a boon dur ing the pandemic, of fering customers the freedom to transact seamlessly at their fingertips. As a result, the apps recorded ƃƹɁʍɽ ĄÃѸӝѺ ƹȈȢȢȈɁȶ Ȉȶ ɽɨƃȶɰƃƺɽȈɁȶ ƃȴɁʍȶɽ ǹɁɨ ɽȃlj ʰljƃɨ ljȶǁljǁ ѶѴ Aljƺljȴƹljɨ ѵѳѵѳӝ {Ý ʥƃɰ ɨljƺljȶɽȢʰ ʍɥǼɨƃǁljǁ ɽɁ include more features such as Tabung ‰ƃȚȈ ǹʍȶǁ ɽɨƃȶɰǹljɨӗ AʍȈɽÇɁʥ ĂĄ ƺɁǁljӗ remittance, cardless withdrawal, request ɽɁ ɥƃʰ ɰljɨʤȈƺlj ӯ°ɁȴĀƃʰӰ ƃȶǁ ƃ ɥljɨɰɁȶƃȢ financial management tool. AʍɨȈȶǼ ɽȃlj ʰljƃɨӗ ʥlj ƃȢɰɁ ɥƃɨɽȶljɨljǁ ʥȈɽȃ a f intech company to develop and implement an innovative credit risk assessment solution that complements credit history information. This solution will effectively aid aspiring entrepreneurs and micro-enterprises, who are often excluded from the financial system and hence face challenges in accessing af fordable f inance. Our long-term objective is to bring the benefits of Islamic f inance to more and more di sadvantaged and under ser ved Malaysians. SUSTAINABLE FINANCING IS A CATALYST TO A RESILIENT FUTURE Ślj ƺɁȶɽȈȶʍlj ɽɁ ƹlj ȴɁɽȈʤƃɽljǁ ƹʰ ɽȃlj principles of Shariah, whereby we endeavour to design and deliver financial solutions that minimise harm and promote the welfare and wellbeing of not just communities, but also the ljȶʤȈɨɁȶȴljȶɽ ʥȃljɨlj ɽȃljʰ ɽȃɨȈʤljӝ ŚȈɽȃ ɽȃlj growing relevance of instruments such as green sukuk, green financings, carbon credits and others, Bank Islam remains at the forefront to champion sustainable finance that takes environmental and social considerations into account. AʍɨȈȶǼ ɽȃlj ʰljƃɨ ʍȶǁljɨ ɨljʤȈljʥӗ ʥlj partnered with Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) and its subsidiary, GSPARX Sdn. Bhd. (GSPARX) to f inance solar photovoltaic (PV) ownership for home owners in the country. Through this collaboration, Bank Islam is offering up ɽɁ ѴѳѳՐ ǹȈȶƃȶƺȈȶǼ ǹɁɨ ɽȃlj ɥʍɨƺȃƃɰlj Ɂǹ GSPARX’s solar PV package or up to ĄÃѶѳѳӗѳѳѳ ʥȈɽȃ ƃɽɽɨƃƺɽȈʤlj ǹȈȶƃȶƺȈȶǼ rates, along with additional benefits such ƃɰ Ɂȶlj ӯѴӰ ʰljƃɨ ǹɨljlj ȴƃȈȶɽljȶƃȶƺljӗ ɥɨɁǁʍƺɽ ƃȶǁ ʥɁɨȟȴƃȶɰȃȈɥ ʥƃɨɨƃȶɽʰӗ ѵѷӣѺ ɁȶȢȈȶlj monitoring, as well as aftersales services. ŚȈɽȃ ɽȃȈɰ ƃǁǁljǁ ʤƃȢʍljӗ Ɂʍɨ ȴƃȈȶ ɁƹȚljƺɽȈʤlj is to encourage Malaysians to transition to environmentally-friendly technologies and solutions to meet their energy demands . It is also a par t of our contribution to support Malaysia’s aim of ƃƺȃȈljʤȈȶǼ ѵѳՐ Ɂǹ ɨljȶljʥƃƹȢlj ljȶljɨǼʰ ǼljȶljɨƃɽȈɁȶ ƹʰ ɽȃlj ʰljƃɨ ѵѳѵѸӝ Ślj ƃɨlj ƃȢɰɁ ȢɁɁȟȈȶǼ ƃɽ ɽȃlj Ȉȴȴljȶɰlj potential of the Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) Sukuk market in ÃƃȢƃʰɰȈƃӝ Ślj ƃɨlj ƺɁȶɽȈȶʍɁʍɰȢʰ ljȶǼƃǼȈȶǼ with various regulator y authorities, industr y bodies , and our peers to deliberate on issues related to SRI Sukuk, including the risks associated with the investment and returns, inadequate performance measurement standards and high costs of transaction. Ślj ɨljȴƃȈȶ ƺɁȴȴȈɽɽljǁ ɽɁ ǁljʤljȢɁɥȈȶǼ and promoting SRI Sukuk as the instrument that can help shape a ɰʍɰɽƃȈȶƃƹȢlj ǹʍɽʍɨljӝ Žȶ ѵѳѵѳӗ ʥlj ȃƃǁ successfully issued the second and third ɽ ɨ ƃȶƺȃljɰ ɽɁɽƃȢ Ȣ ȈȶǼ ĄÃѴӝѴ ƹȈ Ȣ Ȣ ȈɁȶ Subordinated Sukuk Murabahah under Ɂʍɨ ĄÃѴѳ ƹȈȢȢȈɁȶ Čʍȟʍȟ Ãʍɨƃƹƃȃƃȃ Programme. The proceeds from the Sukuk will be utilised to finance our Islamic banking activities and working capital requirements while ensuring the Bank’s active involvement in financing and investment under takings that conform to ESG principles and outcomes. Čĩ::KČČyĩ¸¸ť ŽČČĩKA ě‰K ČK:ÝÇA ÇA 쉎ĄA TRANCHES TOTALLING ĄÃіӝі 9Ž¸¸ŽÝÇ Čĩ9ÝĄAŽÇ ěKA Čĩ¶ĩ¶ ÃĩĄ 9 ‰ ‰ ĩÇAKĄ ÝĩĄ ĄÃіѕ 9Ž¸¸ŽÝÇ Čĩ¶ĩ¶ ÃĩĄ 9 ‰ ‰ ĀĄÝ{Ą ÃÃK First Malaysian Bank to deploy a mobile on-boarding channel for retail customers, with first end-to-end account opening experience, including the on-the-spot issuance of debit cards. BANK ISLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2020 17