Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2020

Shariah Audit Shariah Review 6) Treasury & Markets Division 6) Commercial Banking 7) Corporate Support Division 7) Staff and Package Financing 8) Bank Islam Card Centre 8) Centralised Procurement 9) Ar Rahnu 9) Commodity Trading Provider and Commodity Supplier 10) Wealth Management Operations 10) Sukuk - Urusharta Jemaah 11) Commodity Trading Provider and Commodity Supplier 11) Marketing of Third party product (Takaful): i) Takaful myClick Medicare ii) Takaful myClick Travel PA iii) Takaful myClick Term iv) mySalam PA Plan (Telemarketing) v) Takaful myMortgage 12) Bank Islam Labuan Offshore Branch (BILOB)^ 12) Zakat Simpanan & Pelaburan Service 13) 44 Bank Islam Branches and 2 Ar Rahnu Outlet^ ^ Only Shariah related findings were escalated for deliberation and decision. SHARIAH TRAINING & AWARENESS During the year, ten (10) Shariah training and briefing sessions were held covering 894 among the Bank’s employees nationwide inclusive of virtual onboarding programmes for new staff. The coverage of the sessions includes Shariah governance updates, Shariah risk management and fundamentals of Shariah in business operations. This includes three (3) Shariah Town Hall sessions for all Risk Controllers (“RC”) where the sessions provided updates to the RCs on new Shariah requirements issued by the regulators, our latest decisions and lessons learnt from new Shariah non–compliance events in the Bank. In line with SGPD, the Bank has been continuously implementing Shariah e-learning programme by enhancing the existing e-learning courseware on Philosophy and Fundamentals of Shariah and developing a new e-learning courseware relating to the applied Shariah contracts to all staff of the Bank. The Bank has also continued to elevate the Shariah and Islamic banking knowledge of its staff and SSC members by engaging Islamic Banking & Finance Institute Malaysia (“IBFIM”) for the Certified Professional Shariah Auditor (“CPSA”) programme and Association of Shariah Advisors in Islamic Finance (“ASAS”) for in-house certification programme of Certified Shariah Advisors (“CSA”) and Certified Shariah Practitioner (“CSP”). This year, 15 candidates graduated from CSA and CSP including three (3) SSC members. Shariah officers of the Bank were encouraged to enroll for certification programmes, and during the financial year under review, the Head of Shariah has been awarded as a Certified Shariah Advisor and Auditor (“CSAA”) by the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (“AAOIFI”). 182 Financ ial Statement s Accountabi l i t y Addi t ional Informat ion Report of the Shariah Supervisory Council