Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2020

ANTI-BRIBERY & CORRUPTION POLICY ěȃlj 9ƃȶȟԇɰ ȶɽȈӸ9ɨȈƹljɨʰ ƃȶǁ :ɁɨɨʍɥɽȈɁȶ ĀɁȢȈƺʰ ӯ 9:ĀӰ ʥƃɰ developed as part of Bank Islam’s commitment to integrity ƃȶǁ ɰʍɰɽƃȈȶƃƹȢlj ʥƃʰ Ɂǹ ǁɁȈȶǼ ƹʍɰȈȶljɰɰӝ ěȃlj 9:Ā Ȉɰ ƃȢȈǼȶljǁ ʥȈɽȃ ƃȢȢ ɨljȢljʤƃȶɽ Ȣƃʥɰ ƃȶǁ ɨljǼʍȢƃɽȈɁȶɰӗ ȈȶƺȢʍǁȈȶǼ ɽȃlj ÇƃɽȈɁȶƃȢ ȶɽȈӸ:ɁɨɨʍɥɽȈɁȶ ĀȢƃȶ ӯÇ :ĀӰ ƃȶǁ ÃƃȢƃʰɰȈƃȶ ȶɽȈӸ:ɁɨɨʍɥɽȈɁȶ :ɁȴȴȈɰɰȈɁȶ ӯà ::Ӱ ƺɽ ѵѳѳѼӝ ěȃlj 9:Ā ʍȶǁljɨɥȈȶɰ ƃ ˃ljɨɁӸ tolerance approach and guides Bank Islam to ensure that all opportunities on corruption and any action in relation to bribery, conflict of interest, malpractice, abuse of power could be effectively and efficiently addressed as well as ensuring compliance with all applicable anti-corruption. The Bank pledges its full commitment to integrity compliance and expects its employees to observe the same. Hence, the Bank requires all of its employees to report in good faith through proper and available whistleblowing channel if they have knowledge of, reasonably to belief the existence of an attempted, suspected or actual bribery and reason to suspect any violation of the policy and the related laws. INTEGRITY TRAININGS AND OTHER INITIATIVE ɰ ɥƃɨɽ Ɂǹ ɽȃlj 9ƃȶȟԇɰ ȈȶȈɽȈƃɽȈʤljɰ ƃȢȈǼȶljǁ ʥȈɽȃ ÇƃɽȈɁȶƃȢ ȶɽȈӸ :ɁɨɨʍɥɽȈɁȶ ĀȢƃȶ ӯÇ :ĀӰӗ ǁljɰɥȈɽlj ɽȃlj ȶƃɽȈɁȶʥȈǁlj Ã:Ý ʥȃȈƺȃ imposed strict limitation for face-to-face trainings, IGD had ɰʍƺƺljɰɰǹʍȢȢʰ ƺɁȶǁʍƺɽljǁ ɰljʤljȶɽljljȶ ӯѴѺӰ ȈȶɽljǼɨȈɽʰ ƃʥƃɨljȶljɰɰ ɥɨɁǼɨƃȴȴljɰ Ɂǹ ʥȃȈƺȃ ȶȈȶlj ӯѼӰ ʥljɨlj ƃȢȢ ƺɁȶǁʍƺɽljǁ ɁȶȢȈȶlj ʥȈɽȃ ɽȃlj ɽɁɽƃȢ Ɂǹ ѹѵѸ ɥƃɨɽȈƺȈɥƃȶɽɰ ƺɁȶɰȈɰɽȈȶǼ Ɂǹ 9ƃȶȟ ljȴɥȢɁʰljljɰ ǹɨɁȴ ‰ljƃǁɧʍƃɨɽljɨӗ :ljȶɽɨƃȢӗ ČɁʍɽȃljɨȶӗ ÇɁɨɽȃljɨȶӗ Kƃɰɽljɨȶ ƃɰ ʥljȢȢ ƃɰ ǹɨɁȴ Kƃɰɽ ÃƃȢƃʰɰȈƃ ĄljǼȈɁȶӝ ÃɁʤȈȶǼ ǹɁɨʥƃɨǁ ǹɁɨ ɽȃlj ʰljƃɨ ѵѳѵѴӗ Ž{A ɥȢƃȶɰ ɽɁ ƺɁȶǁʍƺɽ ƃȶ ƃʥƃɨljȶljɰɰ ɰljɰɰȈɁȶ ƃȶǁӣ Ɂɨ ɽɨƃȈȶȈȶǼ ǹɁɨ ƃȢȢ 9ʍɰȈȶljɰɰ ɰɰɁƺȈƃɽljɰ ɽɁ ljȶɰʍɨlj ɽȃlj ƺɁȴɥȢȈƃȶƺlj of Bank’s policies regarding integrity matters to combat corruption. In addition, IGD has launched the Integrity Kit which is a by-product of the Vendor’s Code of Ethics Guideline (VCOE). ěȃȈɰ ȟȈɽ ƺɁȴɥɨȈɰljǁ Ɂǹ ɰʍȴȴƃɨȈljɰ Ɂǹ ɽȃlj 9ƃȶȟԇɰ ȶɽȈӸ9ɨȈƹljɨʰ ծ :ɁɨɨʍɥɽȈɁȶ ĀɁȢȈƺʰӗ {Ȉǹɽ ĀɁȢȈƺʰӗ ŚȃȈɰɽȢljƹȢɁʥȈȶǼ ĀɁȢȈƺʰӗ ř:ÝK including a brief explanation on Corporate Liability, Section ѴѺ Ɂǹ à :: ƺɽ ѵѳѳѼӝ Žȶ ȢȈȶlj ʥȈɽȃ ɽȃlj ɨljɧʍȈɨljȴljȶɽɰ ʍȶǁljɨ the VCOE, the Bank disseminates Bank Islam’s Integrity Kit to on-boarding vendors as part of the Bank’s effort to ensure business associates are mindful of the Bank’s salient policies and duly adhere to these policies at all material times. CRM MILESTONE :ĄÃ ʥƃɨljȶljɰɰ ČljɰɰȈɁȶӗ ěɨƃȈȶljɨɰ ծ ČɽɨƃɽljǼȈƺ Interviews Formulation of Bank Islam ƺɁɨɨʍɥɽȈɁȶ ɨȈɰȟ ɥƃɨƃȴljɽljɨ ծ research on industry-based cases Corruption risk assessment workshop :ɁȶɰɁȢȈǁƃɽȈɁȶ Ɂǹ ɨȈɰȟ ɨljǼȈɰɽljɨɰ ծ finalisation of risk profiles :ɁȴɥȢljɽȈɁȶ Ɂǹ :ĄÃ ծ ljȴƹƃɨȟȈȶǼ ɽɁ :ĄÃ ĄljʤȈljʥ ĀĄ ԆѵѳӸà ť Ԇѵѳ °ĩÇK ԆѵѳӸ°ĩ¸ť Ԇѵѳ ĩ{ ԆѵѳӸČKĀě Ԇѵѳ Ý:ě ԆѵѳӸÇÝř Ԇѵѳ AK: Ԇѵѳ BANK ISLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2020 169